Today the development of innovation educational model is one of the tendencies in modern high school progress. The article highlights the analysis of some peculiarities and distinguishing features of this innovation model. The present day needs in this model are described from the point of view of educational services consumers.
Recently such terms as innovation education, innovation universities, innovation educational programs become more and more popular. Innovation education supposes teaching in the process of new knowledge creation. It happens at the expense of integration of basic science, education process and manufacturing.
The decrease of traditional universities competitive ability and low integration of science and manufacturing testifies about the necessity of absolutely new universities formation. Unfortunately, today traditional education as a system of knowledge acquisition drops behind from the real needs of modern science and manufacturing.
During the recent times not only the public but also the government pays much attention to the problems of innovation education. It happens because of the realization of one of the first-priority national projects "EDUCATION" (1).
Many researchers suppose that the training of specialists must occur in the network of competence approach. Some researchers think the building of the formation mechanism of graduates´ professional competences is the basic methodological task of universities and colleges (2).
Today there are some educational models. They are traditional, rationalistic, humanistic and none-institutional. The comparative analysis of them has shown that a traditional model and a rationalistic one don´t focus on the personality of a pupil as a subject of any educational process. It means the lack of the vector aimed at the development of value-sense, informational competences and also the competences of personal self-development.
As for humanistic educational model, it should be noticed that some of its varieties admit the priority of development over the teaching and focus on a personality. So, a humanistic model can be defined as an integrated one.
Each of these models has as advantages, so disadvantages. That´s why it is reasonable to suppose that now-a-days an absolutely new advanced model is being formed. First of all, it includes the positive features of traditional and humanistic models. It is an innovation model of education (IME).
It´s no matter to consider IME without consumers of educational services because exactly they make great demands of the organization of teaching process. And these demands are revealed in educational needs. In our opinion, these needs must be realized in the level of graduate´s competence as much as possible and, of course, with a glance of modern society.
If, in general, the need in education can be set by aims and strategy of its acquisition, so educational needs within the bounds of a new IME can be defined as tactical because they support the process of a decision- making. Thus, defining educational needs in IME we can denote the basic list of them which separate this model from others:
- Need in social availability of higher education;
- Need in life-long education "through the whole life";
- Need in education with individual plan according wishes of a student himself;
- Need in economic accessibility of getting education;
- Need in accessibility of communicative interaction with a teacher the same as the use of information technologies;
- Need in the quality of getting educational services irrespective of pupil´s location;
- Need in control over the results of teaching irrespective of pupil´s location;
- Need in updating of education content according to the demands of innovative economics;
Need in constant perfection of educational material.
It should be noted that the nature of educational needs in the concrete historical conditions depends upon the complex of sociocultural factors. And, finally, it is defined by a man´s place and value in the society. In the modern information society an educational need is the condition of man´s self-actualization and self-development. In turn this answers to the system-functional approach of a new educational system building.
So, in absolutely new educational model needs in education can appear if:
Educational needs are brought up to date and there is no opportunity to satisfy them in the existing educational models;
There are obstacles for teaching which can be removed in IME. Such as interactivity, openness, flexibility, relatively low cost;
There is complaint to the conditions of getting education which can be satisfied in IME as it allows to use new forms and training aids.
- The conception of Russian education modernizing up the 2010 year. - Moscow, 2002.
- Davidenko T., Zhiljakov E. About the cluster approach to the formation of professional competence // Higher education in Russia. - 2008. - № 7. - P. 69 - 79.
The work is submitted to Scientific Conference "Priorities for Science, Technology and Innovation», Egypt (Sharm el-Sheikh), November, 20-27, 2009. Came to the Editor´s Office on 20.10.2009.