Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Petrenko V.M.

The vascular bed development is begun just from the endothelial primordia proliferation and also the embryo protocapillary network formation. Its irregular growth and the differentiation, including the magistralization and the reduction are taken their place by the increasing pressures gradient, in connection with the organs´ growth and the histogenesis: 1) the centrifugal magistralization (e.g. just from the heart to the organs) by the shortest way; 2) the arteries in their development are outgrown the veins; 3) the great vessels are divided just into the branches to the multiple organs and their parts; 4) the anastomoses (but to be more specific - the magistralization) formation among the branches of one and the various magistrals. The vessels development is, practically, defined by the blood flow and the homotissue metabolism correlation. The metabolites transmural diffusion currents are exerted their «washing» effect upon the endothelium and also the subendothelial layer of the connecting paratenons, they disjoin the cells´ and the molecules´ contacts, that is inhibited the collagenous fibers morphogenesis, this is stimulated the capillaries growth and the neoplasms. The diffusion is, rapidly, become extinct just in the thickening and callous vessel´s wall, the blood pressure mechanical constituent just on the wall is kept in its thickness. The metabolic currents are considered by me, as the growth inductor and the microvessels branchings, the hemodynamic factor - as their magistralization inductor. The lymphatic capillaries, «having non - functioned» the heart, which is the main blood flow motor, and the arterial bed, are kept the «embryonic» structure (e.g. the thin endothelium just without the basilar membrane), in contrast to the blood capillaries.

The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Medical, social and economic problems of population health preservation», Turkey, May 20-27, 2009. Came to the editorial office on 09.2009.