Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Petrenko V.M.

It has been done quite a number of attempts to single out the structural unit of the hemomicro circulatory channel (HMCC) in the last century. The central canal (e.g. Zweifach B.., 1939, 1961) and the module, including in a form of the arterioles and the venules with the capillaries network among them (e.g. Fung V.C. a. Zweifach B..W.., 1971) have been mentioned in the most frequently way.

The HMCC 10 dogs´ mesenteries have been studied by me. Its total preparations, just after their fixation in the 10% formalin solution, have been stained by the aluminous hematoxylin, or they have been impregnated by the silver nitrate. The serial paraffin sections of the mesentery, having 7 mcm thickness, have been stained by the Van Gieson and Verhoeff method picrofuchsin, and 10 mcm thickness - by the hematoxylin. The microvessels sizes have been defined by means of the eyepiece - micrometer.

The mesenteries bands of the various sizes and forms (e.g. the HMCC interfascicular segments) are found among the great microvessels´ fascicles (e.g. the I-st order arteriole, the IV-th - V-th order venule). The big branches (e.g. the arterial flows) of the great microvessels are being passed by the fascicles, and they are being divided the mesenteric segments into the microareas. The terminal arterioles and the collective venules are more often being moved away from their contour. The metabolic blocks (e.g. the precapillary - the capillaries - the post - capillary venule) are being formed their ramifications, together with which the HMCC typical modules are made up, and also the central canals and the anastomoses - venular, arteriolar, and arteriolovenular. The combined anastomoses are met, when one arteriole´s branches take its part in the various anastomoses and modules formation. The central canal has its structure of the arteriolovenular semi - shunt, from which its branches are being moved away, where its main links: the metarteriole - is the terminal arteriole, having passed into the precapillary; the main artery - is the main capillary (not always), the postcapillary and the collective venules. The annular module is distinguished from the typical module by its configuration: the terminal arterioles are moving together, in one fascicle with the collective venules, they are being formed the complete contour (e.g. the biconjugated circular anastomoses). The small terminal arterioles, the primary collective, and the post - capillary venules are being moved away inside the annular module. The annular module «is fixed» to the main arteriole and the (e.g. muscular) venule fascicle, by means of the preterminal arteriole and the premain venule fascicle.

The Conclusion

The HMCC is consisted from the polymorphous microareas - the vascular and tissular complexes, which are limited by the large arterioles and venules fascicles. The various microvessels complexes are formed in their composition in the different combinations. The classical microvessels sequence with the branching and linear angioarchitecture is defined in the most frequently way (e.g. the HMCC typical module). The annular module is met seldom.

The work was submitted to V international scientific conference «Present-day problems of science and education», Russia, (Moscow), May, 13-15, 2009, came to the editorial office 04.04.2009