Thus, the Pedagogical Higher Schools face the question of qualified professional future subject teachers´ training that is in accord with the demands of the person, society and state.
In this connection it is necessary to reorganize the teaching process at the Higher School with the purpose of creation conditions for professional competence formation at students.
Realizing the fact that every student is an individual and inimitable as a personality, there appears a need to create an adaptive educational environment, in which the student himself defines the trajectory of his development considering his individual possibilities and capabilities; the idea of self-education being taken as the basis. Let us mark that the adaptive educational environment involves all the components of the educational content: knowledge, activity experience in familiar situations, creative activity experience and the experience of emotional and ethical relations to the world. It underlines the importance of principally new approach to the teaching, which is oriented not only on digestion of special knowledge and skills by the students, but also on the development of the person and its capabilities, and the enrichment of its individual experience. By the way, it is important to remember, that the adaptivity of the educational environment includes the result system adaptivity as well, and it necessitates the meaning change of the educational process itself.
Thus, it is urgent to plan the conceptual and processual components of the adaptive educational environment on the basis of a reflective approach to the process of teaching.
It is connected with the fact that the very reflective activity will let the student realize his individuality, originality, unicity, and destination, and form his professional competences in the conative, cognitive, active and personal levels. Such an approach corresponds to the meaning of the notion "education" as the formation of the "ego" image.
In this connection the following components should be included into the process of teaching students:
- A technological map, representing a passport of the future learning process for a student, where its principal parameters providing the academic success are shown integrally and concisely.
- The technology of the reflective approach, on the basis of which the achievement of strategic aims is realized.
- Means, methods and techniques, which will be used while reaching the strategic aims.
- The management system, representing a cooperatively distributed activity of the teacher and the student.
However, it should be noted that every technological stage of the reflective approach corresponds to a definite strategy sort represented as some certain toolkit (step-by-step algorithm) aimed at students´ professional competences formation.
The organization stages of the educative process in the frames of the reflective approach can be represented as follows:
- Stage I. The definition of objectives in the process of cooperatively distributed activity of the teacher and the student.
- Stage II. Research, understanding and re-evaluation of the information by the students and organization of communicative activity on the specification of the problem by the teacher.
- Stage III. The information interpretation and projecting a new method of action.
- Stage IV. Including the new method of action into knowledge system.
- Stage V. Self-evaluation of the activity by the students.
- Stage VI. The substantiation of the defined objective achievement.
It is out of doubt that such an organization of the educational process will help the student to see his destination/mission in the academic process more vividly, to form his professional competences and to follow his individual development.
Generalizing the above said, the conclusion should be done that a reflective approach to the process of education, because of its flexibility and effectiveness, allows using the reserves of the educational process itself and the students participating in it more rationally
The article is admitted to the International Scientific Conference " Problems of national educational standards´ international integration "; France, Great Britain, 2007, April 20-27; came to the editorial office on 09.02.07