Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Bolsunovskaya L.M.
Signing the Bologna Agreement in 1999, Russia entered a new phase in the reformation of the education system. Due to globalization the following objective was developed:  to create an integrated extent European education system. «An incorporated association in the education system is an essential part of the cooperation community, united in different regional organizations to achieve the goals in economic integration, social unity and political security» (HSE, 2005).

According to the national policy in the higher education system, it is critical for an engineer to be capable of adapting to variable living conditions, analyzing situations, evaluating and finding solutions to initial problems, possessing communication skills and developing intercultural relations (Sorokovikh, 2004). The major question is to promote modern conceptual approaches in determining the strategies and tactics of Russian education system incorporation in the extent international education system. It has become clear in recent years that education is the fundamental basis in the individuality development of the future engineer who has to enter the global marketplace successfully and competitively. Therefore, as higher education plays the most significant role in the formation development of the future modern engineer, not only is education, as a whole, essential, but also his/her high competitive professional level as well. One must not exclude that fact that native language (in our case, Russian) and foreign language (English) is a vital factor in this process. Thus, international integration of higher education is interrelated with English language teaching.

Current Russian university education standards and requirements in English language teaching do not fully meet the international requirements in engineering education. The recognition of new English language teaching approaches and reorganization in today´s technical universities is vital.

However, it would be erroneous to blindly adopt foreign experience in English language teaching and mechanically introduce it into the Russian education system. Therefore, one of the main factors in constructing an integrated extent education system is to retain and develop the traditions of Russian higher education.

The modern English language teaching concept is also determined by individual orientation in language study. «The main aim in language teaching is to develop a person´s distinctive language orientation, being effective in implementing intercultural communication» (Korjakovzheva 2002: pg 3-4).

The article is admitted to the International Scientific Conference " Problems of national educational standards´ international integration "; France, Great Britain, 2007, April 20-27;. came to the editorial office on 09.02.07