Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Egorova I.P.
In new social and economical conditions Higher School teachers face the necessity of specialists´ training improving on the basis of integral combination of professional education with the high level of their fundamental training.

Mathematical Education in a Higher Technical School has the development of cognitive abilities at such a level of acquirement which could provide conscious using methods of routine problems´ solution and research, their translation onto a non-routine problem (the problem with technical-grade content), i.e. on the level of conscious translation of mental activity approaches onto training objects of engineering disciplines, onto techniques and technology which will be used in the future work activity, as one of its basic aims.

The analysis of mathematical content of general professional disciplines shows that the definition of interactions between all courses of the curriculum of a Higher School represents a complex enough task. First of all, let us answer the question: Is it worth performing interactions between all the disciplines of the curriculum in equal amount? The absence of a clear answer to the question on practice leads to the fact that there is often a tendency to establish connections between all the disciplines of the curriculum of a Higher School in equal amount.

A specially carried out research and study of advanced pedagogical experience showed that intersubject communications should have a certain didactic polarity that is to find out between which disciplines or their complexes on a certain speciality the connections are the most significant and cardinal, by means of a deep pedagogical analysis of the content of this speciality students´ training. For the "Technology of Machine Building" speciality of the Samara State Technical University in Syzran they turned out to be the four complex programs: social and humane; economic and managerial; fundamental; general professional and special.

It is the elaboration and arrangement of conditions which are favourable for establishing connections between these general complex programs that should attract the efforts of the teachers by all means.

The experiment showed that it is reasonable to accentuate a frame discipline in every of the complexes penetrating all its components. So, Mathematics is such a discipline in the fundamental training; Technology of Machine Building is that in the professional one (on the engineer-mechanic´s speciality); Branch Economics - in the economic and managerial one; philosophy - in the social and humane one. Due to such an approach expressed in the generalization of intersubject communications, we manage to get rid of the necessity to elaborate very often not significant connections between any two pairs of the curriculum disciplines and to focus the greater deal of attention on the four mentioned complex programs reflecting the most cardinal connections between the frame disciplines of the curriculum.

Accentuating a group of disciplines the communications between which are the most significant, allows solving problems on curriculum perfecting, on topical and chronological integration of related courses´ programs, on elaborating forms, approaches and methods of performing professional polarity of teaching fundamental disciplines rather definitely and purposefully

The article is admitted to the International Scientific Conference "Problems of national educational standards´ international integration "; France, Great Britain, 2007, April 20-27;. came to the editorial office on 19.02.07