In our previous works we studied the presence of antibodies (AB) to fluoro-methyl-benzaanthracene conjugate - bovine serum albumin (FMBA-BSA) in healthy people, breast, gaster, large and straight intestine cancer patients. We managed to detect the antibodies of all the three classes of immunoglobulins and also to find out clear isoallotypic differences in the formation of AB to FMBA-BSA between healthy and sick people; between various organs cancer patients; between one focalization, but various course forms cancer patients.
The purpose of the present work is to study the presence of antibodies to the benzo(a)pyrene - bovine serum albumin (BP-BSA) conjugate in lung cancer patients (LC), to define their isoallotypic features, the ratio of the AB classes at this pathology and to try to define the diagnostic value of these factors.
The blood samples of 110 males - LC patients and 100 healthy males without any lung diseases in the past medical history served as the test material for this research. The serum was separated from the whole blood and frozen at -70о С, then the definition of antibodies to BP-BSA by means of the modified immunoenzyme method developed in our laboratory was carried out. The obtained results were expressed in relative value units (RVU/ml).
The studies were carried out using the reagents of the DakoCytomation firm (Denmark) and the "Humareader" (USA) and "Pikon" (Novosibirsk, Russia) firms´ equipment.
As a result of the carried out research it was found out that the blood serum of both LC patients and healthy males contained A, G, M classes´ antibodies to the BP-BSA conjugate. Their content in the experimental and control groups authentically differed in all the three classes of immunoglobulins. In the LC patients the IgG antibody level is considerably higher, than that in the control group, a different picture being observed for the IgM antibodies.
At the analysis of the AB formation character in the smoking males it was found out that authentic differences between the control and experimental groups were observed for the IgG and IgM antibodies. In the non-smokers authentic differences retain only for the IgM antibodies. No dependence on the stage of the disease concerning the content of the antibodies to BP-BSA was registered.
On the ground of the obtained results we introduced a relative factor - the ratio of the IgG antibody level to the IgM antibody level. In the result of comparison of the experimental and control groups in this factor it was found out that in case of the lung cancer development its value increases almost by an order in all the groups considered.
- Every one of the examined people, either sick or healthy, has G, M and A classes´ antibodies to BP-BSA in blood.
- Authentic differences between the lung cancer patients and healthy males are detected in all the three classes in the general group, in IgG and IgM - in the group of smokers, in the IgM - in the group of non-smokers.
- In the course of carcinogenesis an IgG antibody level increase and IgM antibody level decrease occur.
- In the lung cancer patients the IgG/IgM factor value increases almost by an order compared to the control group.
- We suppose that the IgG/IgM factor can be used at the health status monitoring of the lung cancer risk group persons (coke and by-products process, chemical, mining and heat and power plants´ workers).
The work was submitted to VIII international scientific conference « Ecology and environmental management», Egypt (Sharm el-Sheikh), February, 20-27, 2009, came to the editorial office оn 16.01.2009.