A problem of osteoarthrosis (OA) has got a special medical and social significance due to the growth of this disease (1). Nevertheless, condition of bone metabolism at OA is not properly studied. It is known that osteocalcin (OCC) is synthesized by osteoblasts. OCC is growing in the period of menopause. It is correlated with the decrease of mineral density of osseous tissue in a lumbar section of a spinal cord.
Materials and Methods
The given research was conducted at the arthrology department of the Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedy. The group under research consisted of 46 patients with OA. Their average age was 58, 4±3.6 years. Patients were divided into 3 groups: female patients still having menstrual cycle (the first group; n=8); female patients in postmenopause (the second group; n=24) and male patients with OA (the third group; n=14). Control group included practically healthy people (n=10).Studies of OCC content were conducted in laboratory of clinical immunology of NIITO according to producer´s instructions.
Results and Discussion
The levels of serum OCC were evaluated at 32 women (8 with menstrual cycle and 24 in postmenopause, not treated with glucocorticoids) and at 14 men.
Initially, the level of OCC for women having menstrual cycle was higher for one patient (12, 5%); for other patients it corresponded to a norm, decrease of OCC level was not observed. In the second group four women (20, 8%) in menopause (duration from 8 to 18 years) showed increase of OCC level and had a lot of injuries of joints (from 12,6 to 16,6; ESR from 16 to 20 mm/h). An average level of OCC in general was - 19,6±5,1 ng/ml; for women with menstrual cycle - 21,26±3,075 ng/ml; for women in postmenopause - 26,4± 6,3 ng/ml, these differences statistically being reliable in comparison with patient´s age (according to R. Spirman=0,40; p=0,020). The level of alkaline phsphotasa at the initial stage of observation was normal at 38 (82, 6%) female patients, a slight decrease was noted at 8 (17,4%) cases; increase of alkaline phosphotasa was not observed. Six from 24 female patients with the observed decrease of alkaline phosphotasa were in postmenopause (duration from 6 to 12 years). Comparison of initial level of markers of osseous exchange to clinical and laboratory data characterizing OA was conducted. The level of OCC in general did not correlate with laboratory data for OA.
Thus, according to data collected in the process of research the level of marker of osseous formation - OCC increases in the group of women in postmenopause having OA, reflecting the growth of intensivity of osseous exchange in general. For women in postmenopause, probably, it is initiated because of hormonal disturbances. According to these data the increase in level of marker of osseous formation is associated with the decrease of mineral density of osseous tissue.
The work is submitted to Scientific Conference "The Problems of International Integration of Educational Standards", England (London) - France (Paris), April, 20-28, 2009. Came to the Editor´s Office on 14.01.2009.