Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Matveeva T.V.
At the present time the question of synthesis of Arts is studied enough.  This synthesis is expressed as relations between Architecture, Statuary art, Pictorial and Monumental Art. Such moments as, the character of interaction between Architecture and certain directions of applied decorative Art, especially the decorative textile in interior appearance, are poorly known.

At first sight it seems that using textile in design of interior is a very specific sphere of human activities. Textile is an important element that makes style, form and color elements of interior.

In the modern design the profitable aspects are alternativeness, irregularity of decisions, approaches and designer´s fabrics. The unique character, in the context of designer´s version makes such things unique.

The State Educational Standard of the specialty 0524.00 - "Design" includes disciplines of the course "Decorative textile". Unfortunately, there is not much attention paid to the disciplines while professional education of designers. These disciplines are excluded from the curriculum and were substituted for other subjects at some Universities.

These contradictions make us attack this problem that is the significancy and originality of the problem. The Universities must be oriented on the world tendencies in the field of new technologies and materials. Nowadays it is difficult to follow the traditional directions in design of the things. The atmosphere of experiment is unaffected. The irregularity of decisions is realized in frontal and volume and graphical fabric compositions.  The volume and graphical compositions are such things as: screens, frame static and kinetic compositions, volume lamps (floor, desk, overhead, wall and embrasure;), and also frameless lamps made of bonded fiber and frame lamps of any shape, textile furniture (shelves, arm-chairs, decorative pockets and other), overhead decorative textile compositions. Panel, wall horizontal decorative compositions are frontal.

At the Orel State technical University we are trying to take into account all modern tendencies of fashion, new technologies and materials when we train designers at the chair of "Design". That´s why on the first stage of decorative textile studying the students study traditional materials, test all classic methods, styles, then they experimentally find out new items of designer´s finds. The alternative materials in the decorative textile are the synthetics of glass, metal, wood, stone and textile, using coloring, synthesis of different textile methods (batic - macramé, batic - tapestry, tapestry - patchwork), heating, phyto-design, buttonhole tapestry, pyrography and other methods.

Thus, studying of alternative techniques and materials in decorative textile plays great role in the development of professional culture of future designers.

The article is admitted to the International Scientific Conference "Modern Education. Problems and Solutions", Thailand, 2007, January 17-28; came to the editorial office on 31.10.06