Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Pesotskaya E.N. 1 Aksenova S.V. 1 Inchina V.I. 1
1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education “The National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev”
In article the provision of medicine and its influence on the personality as the operated factor forming outlook and borders of the metaphysical world of the personality is analyzed. Determination of health in aspect of social factors, the subject influencing ontology, incidence, social activity and quality of life, influence on it of new factors, connected with development of technical and technological reality – Hi-Hume is shown, to Hi-Tech environment, and their modulation in a social medical knowledge of aspect of essence and sociocultural specifics of a phenomenon. In medicine the virtual addictios are special category. As it is the deflexion from the norms of social conduct. They are named into nozological unit, which demands correct and healthy-prophylactic actions in the system of public health and education. The strategy of safety of human health is connected with participation and assessment of reflexive mechanisms of the personality in the system of own self-control, inclusiveness in self-control of objects the socio-teсhnical and eco-natural. On the base of principles of man’s measure and man’s centralization.
the personality
social factors
risk factor
the operated factors
the technogenic environment
an ecological imperative
human nature
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The attention to the person in modern society means strengthening of attention to the problems connected with his health. The analysis of constants of health means that in practical health care world outlook approach to the solution of this problem is relevant. From a position of modern medicine and eco-physiology the research of decrease in influence of the ecological factors adverse on influence and enhancing information risks to health became the independent direction.

There are discussions about the model of medicine, where we discuss the problem of health risks.

So, the medicine is consolidatioin of factor, which influences on the motivation of keeping health, adaptation to the social and ecological influences in the conditions of the sixth technological structure.

Acceptance of treatment by society as a paradigm of existence and self-knowledge means influence of medicine on the personality more as the operated factor forming outlook and borders of the metaphysical world of the personality. The author investigated ambiguous influence of medicine as the socially important factor changing inner world, health and quality of life of the personality [7]. The essence of a factor is that it develops the physiological systems of resistance to factors of the environment, individual and specific evolution of the person, and provoking associated diseases, influences adaptation mechanisms. In dynamics of individual life it means the choice of a paradigm of existence within dependence of the personality on type of medical influences. The medicine not physiologically cultivates new diseases, without promoting genetic health of mankind [In the same place. P. 18], affecting working capacity and activity. The tool impact of a factor on formation of the artificial internal circle of the person listed an essence. The factor will transform individual mechanisms of self-control of physiological activity to social activity.

The theoretical and methodological research of the determination of individual and public health in aspect of social factors affecting incidence, social activity and quality of life [5, p. 16-20] is constantly complemented with the new factors which are closely connected with development of technical and technological reality – Hi-Hume, the Hi-Tech-production environment [3, p. 199-200] affecting social texture, though away, the system of values and motivation. The analysis of influences of the virtual reality altering culture forms, a vital rhythm and way, and through them and the personality (its spiritual bases and biosocial essence) – an essence the analysis of influence of permanent factors of the special artificial nature (or lives virtual), also manipulative in relation to consciousness.

The increase of vertual dependences led to standing out in medicine into a special category of vertual addictions of deferent soft. The last – essence is the deflexion from the standarts of social conduct [2, р. 81] and practically nozological unit, which demands correct and healthy-prophylactic actions in the system of public health and education.

A common threat to all technological patterns was the exclusion of technology and especially technology from ethical thinking. Reduction of risks in conditions of growing threats of uncontrolled innovative development in previous technological patterns, is possible in transition to the seventh socio-humanitical technological pattern. It expands the field of reflection over scientific activity by value-related knowledge of the object to the means and operations of the activity, social and unreflexible subjective processes. Such human ontology corresponds to the coevolution understanding of human, nature, society and its spheres as self-developing reflexive-active environments in which health risks are investigated using the methodology of socio-humanity cybernetics of the third order (cybernetics of self-developing systems). Human ontology of the new seventh technological order corresponds to the coevolution understanding of human-nature relations. It is based not on the ideal of anthropocentrism, but on the idea of coevolution developed by modern science. The joint evolution of nature and humanity can be interpreted as the attitude of equal partners.

As shown in a number of social and philosophical works of a beginning of the century [3; 4], Hi-Tech production functions as the technogenical environment influencing sociocultural systems and the person in a manipulative way more and more actively. Hi-Tech is information, nano- and biotechnologies – as the high socio-humanistic technologies allocated with sign of nonlinearity and un-equilibrility a show vulnerability of the person before the own technical creations. Hi-Hume the socio-humanistic technologies of manipulation with consciousness accompanying Hi-Tech – production (advertizing, PR, human resource management and knowledge), increase dependence of the person on the equipment and technologies as form new requirements. Generating ideals science- and a technical-centrizm, these technologies also destroy them, leading to the crisis phenomena in social life because of crisis of the most human nature, and numerous existential threats which developed for it. The perfection of manipulative Hi-Hume of technologies becomes destructive in relation to knowledge received as a result of real historical and sociocultural experience which finds the secondary importance in comparison with the image of the world introduced by means of technologies. For this reason of the requirement of an ecological imperative in relation to surrounding and to own environments it is very relevant.

Concerning both types of technologies from “the principle of precaution” expert assessment of their environmental safety has to be made [3]. Our way to opinion, violation of the forming role of mechanisms of a reflection of the person in “the system of mechanisms of self-control of objects of the biosphere” [Becomes the main existential threat in the same place. P. 200], including regulation of the spiritual, mentioning the archi-typical bases personality with transformation of human nature in technosisty. Preservation of these bases in the light of a problem of a ratio of modernization and traditions [6, p. 4] in registration of models of spiritual development of society and personality, the creating role is played by maintaining tradition as way of realization of social inheritance of experience of generations.

The process of reflection is instrumental for social and humanitarian technologies, as it is an ideal component of these technologies. Reflection (lat. reflexio) – reversion is a form of theoretical activity of the individual, aimed at understanding his own actions and their laws, awareness by the person of his own spirituality. During reflection qualitative transformation of information encoded in neurons in previous stages of ontogenesis takes place. A change in the value system, or existential situation, view reflection as a form of induction of evaluation thinking and human activity. The structure of regulatory channels of its communication with society is investigated through verbal-symbolic tools at the level of functional sphere of the body and is the object of attention of different fields of knowledge about the person.

Since reflection also acts as a model-forming property towards the environment and social environment, in socio-philosophical cognition it is characterized through the concept of vectoricity. Thus, the object of the analysis is the active exercise by the person of his own forces as a creature of the ancestral. The model-forming potential of personality comes from modern definitions of personality as a systemic whole consisting of conflicting qualities, in which reflection is determinated by the aims, values, needs of personality and its ability to self-design.

The basic scientific approaches to managing human-based self-development systems should focus on the harmony of causal and teleological (targeted) understanding of the future and development. The high methodological complexity of combining different approaches means that in post-non-classical rational science, the basic approach has to be a trans-disciplinary approach.

Knowledge areas that support governance in this context are currently in the process of being becoming.

The realization of these requirements is effective only on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach to human integrity, which finds its expression in systemic integrative medicine. Modern integrative or connective medicine is characterized by a deep understanding of the essence of diseases, which is connected with the disruption of the unity of the motivational and connective mechanisms of human substrate. This notion of causality eventually determines the state of all functional complexes of the organism and the functional sphere as a whole. The prospects of system integrative medicine in modern idea of the nature of a disease and its social reasons are perspective because proceeds from ideas of disorganization of a multilevel essence of human consciousness (consciousness, sub-consciousness and super-consciousness as over-biological structure) which harmonization leads to recovery. The information-biochemical mechanisms of regulation and adaptation of the human body are evolutionally developed by connective tissue, that initially allows it to develop quite harmoniously, to exhibit plasticity inherent in humans as a biological kinds.

In the context of general life theory [1, p. 1406], the essence of maintaining individual health is that the instinct of self-preservation, the high level of culture, the intuition of raising the threshold of sensitivity of the connective adaptive system to the perception of life information and reducing the load on the connective life support systems of factors of negative impact (speech, pressure, radial, magnetic and other energy) [Ibid. C. 1404], as well as to form an adequate individual response to the old challenges of the man-made environment. Dialogue communication between a doctor and a patient, based on the principle of participatory pre-objective-preventive and personalized medicine, in our opinion, is a social factor and a prerequisite for health design.

Information medicine can be characterized as a necessary addition and development of the field of action of classical medicine in the part where the latter has not indicated its interests, opportunities and directions. Informational medicine is a set of studies at the intersection of medical and information structures, which carries out processes of signal communication at all levels of a living organism both within it and at the level of interaction of these flows with living components of the external world.

This type of medicine uses a mathematical approach and mathematical modeling to create a model for the subsequent study of the specific-scientific signal image of Nature, and in this case, information. The instrumental-staged and system-scientific meaning of the study of information medicine means the development of Nature and a man as quantum systems, as a set of such systems and objects in them, the existence of which is possible only in context interaction. The disease is interpreted according to the information paradigm as an information failure in the body ‘s systems, and thus information medicine serves as the basis for the psychosocial adaptation and psychophysiological harmonization of human individuality to the spontaneous informatization of society. According to these perceptions, approaches to the grounds of causation are changing. The formation of an intellectual plan of the internal picture of the disease in practice for the study of causality is related to the learning of cultural views on diseases, their causes and mechanisms. Ideas about them from a semiotic point of view, in our opinion, are general metodological. Disease as a subjective reality and a sociocultural phenomenon in its understanding at the same time implies the use of a semiotic approach to causation, indelible only to organizational processes.

In a systematic study of the problem in the medical community, private and general semiotics have already been formed as part of the professional culture and instrumental activities of the medical nurse. This means the systemic effect of a physician ‘s treatment on a patient with perceptions of the meaning of symptoms as signs of disease, explanatory profilactic conversation during therapeutical and diagnostic activity.

The communication system, as part of culture, promotes the translation of one ‘s own internal experience for meaningful treatment of external conditions. Revealing the resources of the individual to solve problem situations, helps design the modality in any situation experienced by the individual existentially, to accept the reality of medical and psychological impact during the period of illness. Reality depends on how the individual thinks about it, how it expresses it, and how it seeks to change awareness of the situation.

Relevant ontological transformation of the person is the process which followed a cybernetization of social reality which it is indicated in the analysis of the changing human nature and its prospects [7]. There is a transformation of perceptions of the person depending on influence anthropo-technological the practical and the transformative potential of the virtual environment on the nature of this person, to grab by technologies of a certain share of its activities and abilities. Other regularity of life takes root into elements of a human substraction. Corellyation of virtual and social space the synergetics which addresses effects of social networks on the Internet perceived as a hyper image [auth.], to identification of space of consciousness with virtual opens. The priority of environmental friendliness, safety for the person and his health as values of the latest time extends to requirements to the social individual and to the organization of health care, its life in the light of implementation of high technologies.

Thus, the organization of health care and prevention of health on the principles of a man’s measure and man-centrizm in medicine is relevant (as these principles come forward as the base of constraction in the oganization of health safety’s strategy). In the ratio modernization and traditionalism this condition, value and the recommendation for ensuring primary environmental safety of subjects in the conditions of mass effects. It carries practical value in prevention of the influences unilaterally changing social reality of the latest time, human nature on the principles of techno-centrism. Maintaining social activity of the personality depends on a constructive role of its reflexive mechanisms in a situation of the existing existential threats. The operated factors – the special group systemically determining risks of health in the XXI century.

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URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=34024 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024).

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