Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Tetior A. 1
1 Moscow Agricultural Academy
philosophy of plurality; binary plural evolution; plurality of selection ways; ethics of empathy; inexpediency of selection
1. Darwin Ch. Origin of species by means of natural selection. – St. Petersburg: Science, 1991. – 568 p.
2. Lorenz k. Aggression (so-called “evil”). – Moscow: Progress, 1994. – 257 p.
3. Prigogine I. and Stengers I. Order out of chaos. Moscow: Progress, 1986. – 385 p.
4. Ramers N. Hopes for survival of humanity. Conceptual ecology. -M., Russia young, 1992. – 366 p.
5. Severtsov A. Foundations of the theory of evolution. -M.: State University, 1987. – 320 p.
6. Tetior A. Holism, beauty and expedience of world of plural nature. – Tver: Publ. House, 2003. – 443 p.
7. Tetior A. New philosophical conception of the world and the evolution of wildlife. – Moscow: Academy of Natural Sciences, 2016. – 235 p.
8. Tetior A. Philosophy of plural world. Network Edition. – Moscow: Academy of Natural Sciences, 2016. – 789 p.
9. Vorontsov N. Development of evolutionary ideas in biology. -M.: State University, 1999. – 432 p.
10. 1Fiedler A. Call Amazon. – Moscow: “Jung Guardia”, 1959. – 616 p.

New philosophy conforms partially to ancient myths, to some of positions of Daoism and of dialectics [7, 8]. Basis of this philosophy is prospective laws of the binary plurality, of branching development and of convergence, and of dynamical integrity of branching development and convergence as bases of existence of the World. A basis of life is development with a branching, with growth of plurality and complexity of subjects and phenomena, and the subsequent convergence with their reduction and simplification. The branching occur in anthropogenic World with subsequent equilibration of positive (initiated by the person) and of reciprocal negative (from the point of view of the person) branches. Binary plurality of all subjects and phenomena is characteristic for the Universe, for the Earth, nature, and for person, but simplified person’s thinking is not inclined to perception of this feature of the World. Dynamical instability of development, bifurcation in a history, binary plural branching evolution of material and spiritual culture are inherent for humanity. The hierarchy and life of human community have animal sources; human qualities are binary plural. Full eradication of sins, creation of one-sided fine person, and the same society, according to the law of binary plurality, are unreal. Most common conception of Universe (doctrine about being), in our opinion, consists that the dynamical complete World consisting of binary (dual) multitude of subjects and phenomena with opposite properties; it develops with the branching growing multitude (there are examples: tree of evolution of the Universe from super-hadron to plural space; and tree of evolution of wildlife of the Earth). Branching evolution and growth of plurality cannot be infinitely: they should pass to delay, to the termination of growth, to stabilization, and to devolution of nature on the Earth. Devolution of nature on the Earth must be initiated also by anthropogenic influences. Devolution in space is determined by terms of life of cosmic objects.

Evolution of the Universe passes as development and growth from simple to complicated subjects and phenomena; it has the form of the branching conducting to plurality of subjects and of phenomena (“tree of growth”). Devolution of the Universe is phenomenon opposite to evolution, movement to the termination of its life, including galaxies and stars, with reduction of their luminosity, radius and temperature, with convergence and reduction of plurality. Evolution of the organic World is a process of branching development (“tree of evolution”), of growth of a variety from simple forms of life to more complex and highly organized forms, to growth of multitude of mutual relation, with continuation of life of simple forms. Devolution of the organic World is process, return to evolution, with convergence of branches and reduction of bio-variety and complexity, with degeneration, with reduction of the area and destruction of nature, with disappearance of species, growth of pollution and artificiality of environment. The form of evolution is the branching (tree), the form of devolution is the convergence; the form of life is the circle (circulation of substance); the spiral is one of forms of subjects and phenomena (from chromosomes up to galaxies) (Fig. 1). According to the law of dynamical integrity, the branching development and convergence realize at varying internal unity of the World, with chain reactions of the adaptation to new integrity. Dynamical integrity of the branching and converging World is an internal conditionality of its components including binary multitude of the parties and connections with balancing properties, including oppositions.


Fig. 1. The diagram of life of subjects (a); this diagram is real for model of the pulsating Universe, but its form is identical to all subjects; the dotted line shows a stop of devolution of nature of planet at duly intervention – ecologization, restoration of nature; circulation of substances (b), spirals of galaxies (c) and chromosomes (d)

The model of the pulsating Universe proves to be true, in opinion of the author, by conformity of a deadline of moving of electrons in orbits of atoms (then the matter should undergo basic negative changes; it may be in a 100 billion years) and of time from initial explosion and expansion to compression of the Universe in super-hadron. Thus, the matter essentially will not have time to change the properties because of delay of moving of electrons. This model corresponds also to the law of branching development and of subsequent convergence, common for subjects of the World, and to a cycle as to the form of existence of subjects in the World.

The outward things with all its objects and phenomena, and its parameters is multiple, not unilaterally and multilaterally. There are opposite qualities of things: living – non-living; heavy – light; hot – cold; hard – unsteady; plants – animals; long existing – transient; maximum (size, weight, speed) – minimum; active – passive; natural – artificial; loud – weak; multi-color – mono-color; located in symbiosis – antibiosis; positive, negative – neutral (from the point of view of the person), etc., with many intermediate qualities. The space of our existence lies between life and death, cold and heat, good and evil, virtue and sins, beauty and disgrace, meaning and meaninglessness, stability and volatility of development, etc. This is confirmation of the proposed by author of universal law of binary plurality of the World [7]. However, the cycle is usual form of development in nature, where death is the phase and the key to future development. If the binary multiple of Universe and cyclic development are dialectical (reflecting the most general laws) properties, then the unilateral development is impossible, and eternal pulsating developing Universe becomes real.

Integrity of binary plural World is expressed in a dynamical combination mutually balancing of subjects and of phenomena making the general picture of integrity. The person does not perceive determinism of binary plurality of the World, as a rule; a person has propensity to the simplified dual and emotionally painted perception of the World, to estimation of subjects and of phenomena from two sides (“good – bad”, etc.).

One of the outstanding achievements of humanity was the identification of areas of the evolutionary process of the natural world, the establishment of the doctrine of speciation and natural selection [1]. Understanding on the evolution of nature and human is essential for both the natural world and for human beings. Concept of evolution and natural selection is constantly evolving. After studies of Ch. Darwin and A. Wallace, the theory of natural selection and evolution constantly widening. The synthetic theory of evolution was established [5, 9], new forms of selection – stabilizing and tearing selection – was opened; there was expanded form of speciation, was added positive and negative selection (from whose perspective?), the selection of genes, etc. However, features of simplified thinking and of perceiving of reality have an influence on analysis of the daunting process of man, as the evolution of the natural world. They limit the possible objective and multifactorial analysis of actual evolution. Simplified dual perception of reality is one of the most necessary mechanisms of survival, natural selection in nature: animal must react quickly to danger; it should instantly choose a path of survival on a “yes – no”, “danger – security”, “run – stand”, etc. This dual choice was not possible if the short-term memory was used to analyze large amounts of information. Simplified binary and even unipolar thinking was embedded in the natural evolution of the animal world; “innate starting devices”, “memes” were created for rapid response, etc. Such simplistic thinking of humanity was created to help survive.

In accordance with the dual thinking, a person has created simplified laws of evolution and development based on dual representations (laws of negation of negation, of the unity and struggle of opposites, of change of the quantitative changes in quality, etc.). Everything that does not fit into these patterns was called as exceptions. In reality, all the rules and exceptions must be in binary plurality, complementing each other. Binary (dual) plurality includes the subsets of objects and phenomena, combining a variety of properties, and more rarely opposite (binary oppositions).

It is likely that the man knows not all exceptions (or rules). Exceptions highlight the incompleteness of laws, their limited field of action, and the possibility of including them as private laws in more general, which take into account the multiplicity of binary objects and phenomena and their relationships. In accordance with a simplified way of thinking is that the evolutionary process goes in two directions – biological advances (increase the adaptability of the environment) and regression (reducing the level of adaptability). Long aromorphosis, bringing new levels of organization of living organisms and is taking place on the basis of genetic variation and natural selection, the shorter idioadaptation, and total degeneration are the ways of biological progress [1, 10]. New researches reveal new trends of evolution; they strive to diversity, to plurality.

The real evolution of nature goes by complex interaction of the binary set of objects and phenomena [7] in the global “web of life” [4]. In view of simplified thinking and limited number of pieces of information, a man creates a simplified, as a rule, the dual concept of the world (“progress – regress”, etc.). Reduction of binary multiplicity of objects and phenomena to duality and to bipolar (two subjects or phenomena with opposite properties) is most often a biased assessment of the world. From the beauty to ugliness are many transitional forms.

But such are the peculiarities of thinking and perception of the world by person. The binary plurality of cause-and-effect relationships is reduced, as a rule, to two or three. Probably discovered by person patterns of the natural world have particular view, they may not be the general laws, as do not take into account the complex multiplicity of interacting binary objects and phenomena. Those are probably, and natural selection and the theory of evolution based on dual conception (for example, biological progress and regress, aromorphosis and degeneration, etc.). Strikingly, but, as a rule, the number of determining factors addressed in laws, usually no more than 2-3 (!). This is particularly short-term memory, in which a person “lives”.

Real world of nature is plural world. For example, I. Prigogine is noted: “our vision of nature has undergone radical changes in the direction of a plurality ... Today we acknowledge that we are living in a plural world” [3]. However, the world is not only plural, it is binary plural world, all of its objects and phenomena are subsets, each with different properties. The law of binary plurality of all objects and phenomena is probably one of the most general laws of being [6, 7]. The real binary multiple nature evolution takes place in a variety of directions, which, moreover, is dual. In line with this development often comes with branching, when each progressive step then is counterbalanced by “negative” from the point of view of the person. If we accept the action of the universal law of the binary plural objects and phenomena and branching development it can be assumed that the completely progressive evolution of the species does not exist, the seeming lack of the negative branch can be caused by either insufficient time observing or simplistic analysis. “Every progress of the organic evolution is the regress” (F. Engels). Every “progressive” direction in the evolution is simultaneously of the “regressive” direction. The human emotional evaluation of orientation of the evolution of nature is not legitimate. The binary plural world of nature was created during the evolution; it includes organisms with multiple, expedient and inexpedient, features (fig. 1). Only subset, much of the organic world, amazes by the expedient, beauty and harmony. In accordance with the doctrine of binary plurality, the evolution created many other properties and objects, horrific, unpleasant, and inappropriate from the point of view of the person. Among the extraordinary variety of inappropriate signs are the great number of roe, sperm, pollen in nature, strange process pairing of some animals, various non-functional organs, etc.

The evolutionary process has three main features (again 3!): the emergence of fitness of organisms, speciation (the constant emergence of new species) and permanent complication of life from primitive cellular forms to person [1]. Now, due to the heightened technogenic influence on the environment, this process varies. New process begins – the process of devolution, of convergence of multiple, disappearance of species; it is reverse to the process of natural evolution. How will go this process (unusual for nature of Earth) is still unknown. Some of its signs are already evident: the reduction of the natural environment, species extinction, deforestation, pollution, growing technical diversity, etc. Natural selection may ultimately disappear, like most species of flora and fauna. Binary multiplicity of evolution emphasizes by the many already discovered species selection (there are, apparently, and unknown types of selection): driving form of natural selection, gap and the rapid development of a small population, stabilizing selection, tearing selection. N. Vorontsov [9] proposed the destabilizing selection. All this is proof of the binary plurality of evolution. Does not match the concept of progress the overall degeneration – the simplification of the organization, accompanied by the disappearance of some systems, organs and their functions.

Dual separation of directions of evolution on the progressive and regressive is relative separation, as these concepts have a clear emotional meaning. At the same time in every living organism, and even more so in the system, there are signs of progressive, regressive and neutral development in their interaction. There are oft many signs of retrogression in the finest progressive living organism, in progressive population, Does the natural selection adapts each living form slowly and perfectly, as believed Ch. Darwin? Does the world of nature is perfect, as believed K. Timirjasev? No, the world of nature is binary plural world, perfect and far from perfect, with many intermediate forms, and natural selection is diverse in its results. Nature acts oft with the “blind eye”; it is a phenomenon called us a “passing” selection. Note the obvious contradictions of natural selection and evolution, not the relevant submission Сh. Darwin:

1. At the core of homeostasis underlies the universal eating that a person cannot recognize as the “improvement”. This is a tragedy, but, apparently, forced, only to maintain the homeostasis of the solution nature with which humanity must submit.

The famous naturalist A. Fiedler described example of this tragedy, or “improvements” by Darwin: “some boiling pot lush, frenzied fertility frantic thirst for life, where frantic reproduce and devour [10]. You step out of the rainforest... overwhelmed by the hostile environment. I noticed in the black mass the ugly white insects… I grabbed one of them and discovered: unimaginable monster is nothing like the larva of flies. … flies-parasites… inside a convenient moment quietly to lay their eggs on appeared on the body. After a few days of such eggs, hatch the larva. It will slowly devour the ant ... until finally gets to the ant’s head and not empty it. Then, securing by the mask, she brazenly walks along with ants until she turns into a chrysalis” [10]. Can live the nature and humanity without universal eating? Dream of man is autotrophic food, but this is an impossible dream.

2. The selection gives rise to slavery and insects-slaves: “... I well see what is happening in formic column. In the heart of it, I notice red bugs. Numerous tribe of bugs – slaves” [10]. The female “bloody ant-slave” breaks into the nest of another species of ants, killing all the attacking her Queen and worker ants ... When the worker ants will come from dollies, they become slaves in the nest of Slaveholders. Surprisingly, and the origins of slavery laid during the evolution of ancient wildlife. Slavery is not “perfection”.

3. Mass parasitism of animals and plants cannot be the improvement. Although the role of parasites is difficult (most healthy Zebra have parasites), parasites in wildlife sometimes cause the death of plant or animal-owner. Types of parasites is very much. This is not improve “invention” of natural selection.

4. There are many pathogens and a huge number of animal diseases, including the human (fig. 2, 3). In accordance with the law of binary plurality complete removal of these microorganisms is impossible; it is not necessary, because, for example, within a human live dozens of microorganisms, without which a man cannot exist.

There are many ridiculous results of natural selection: large not flying birds, water ungulates-hippos, spending ? life elephants to food, not adapted for eating beaks of some birds, half-life for sleep in certain animals (“Sonia”), parasite sacculina becomes nonfunctional cancroid, horn rhinos, etc., etc. Natural selection “skips” many bed decisions, if they do not affect the possibility of existence.


Fig. 2. The shortcomings of the selection for person


Fig. 3. The shortcomings of the selection for animals – herbivores and carnivores

5. There are negative solutions of natural selection, not changing during the course of life: for example, the teeth of many animals (including even the tusks of elephants), susceptible to disease and decay, causing severe pain and without trends towards improvement. The development path of any animal, including human, cannot include to aromorphosis if its individual organs develop along the path of degeneration, with deterioration of functioning.

A sign of the evolution must be development to higher forms, to raise the level of the organization, but also here there is devolution. In one organism manifests many directions not always positive development. A man have not fixed the sustainable preservation of scalp, although this trait is promoted by sexual selection. People have not developed the sustainable functioning of teeth, eyes, ears, the vital organs, providing food and timely response.

7. The result of evolution is unbearably hard life of many animals, such as deer, which are insect bloodsuckers, bringing animals to madness, etc. Indirect confirmation of an extremely hard life of animals is the 1:2 ratio of positive and negative emotions, inherited the man. It is necessary to understand (from a position of human morality and life) the complexity and difficulties of living creatures in their natural nature, compassion for life nature. A new environmental ethics of empathy differs from the others in that it is more objective. Empathy is the deep feeling, based on an understanding of other forms of life, their uses, and difficulties. Ethics of empathy will help a person to get unbiased interact with wildlife.

8. Saving once achieved, viable, but not the best, sometimes biologically unreasonable decisions (beak of kitoglav, floating ungulate, three-prong chameleon, jellyfish-killer, virus of AIDS, etc.).

9. Almost not studied the mass deaths of animals happens periodically, with some species (butterflies, squirrels, dolphins, whales, etc.).

10. Aggression and terrorism in animals secured ethologically. Natural selection encourages unjustified by nutritional standards the murder by victims predators (wolves, predatory fish, wandering ants, etc.).

11. In the structure of negative selection is the multiplicity of forms of interaction of living organisms in nature – from symbiosis to antibiosis, the existence of evil. Natural selection a number of insects encourages devoured by the female male after fertilization. This is “driving”, but negative, untimely form. Natural selection, the positive of which admired Ch. Darwin, encourages and reinforces the irrationally, and negative ways, since it is binary multiple.

12. The highest achievement of natural selection and evolution – man – is most dangerous species for nature and for homeostasis; their actions have created the danger for the existence of the whole nature of the planet.

Tree of binary plural branching evolution is real plural development of natural world. However, with a limited number of determining factors of evolution, in which there are highs, opposites (driving form and total degeneration, devolution), and intermediate forms (stabilizing selection). Multiple paths of evolution and devolution is growing due to human interference, artificial selection, reduction of natural territories, ousting of nature, disappearance of species, the partial release of a person from the natural selection, intervention at the genetic level.

Sometimes plural signs are fasten, not only positive, but also not adaptable, and even harmful signs. Modern concept of ways of evolution is characterized by a number of features and rules [1, 5, 9], which brought us to table (in addition to the known forms of evolution author added more general binary multiple paths of evolution and a modern factors) (table 1). Speciation in presence or absence of branching is divided into filetic and divergent; filetic speciation in presence or absence of progressive change is divided into stasigenesis, kladogenesis and anagenesis. Divergent speciation on the presence or absence of spatial separation is divided into allopatric, sympatric (ecological, allochronical, polyploidical, hybrid, chromosomal).

The allopatric and sympatric forms act together. There is a multiplicity of forms of speciation; of course, not all forms are revealed and not all are clearly separated, and adds a technical effect, which not only limits the field of activity of natural evolution, but leads to technogenic evolution, including disappearance of species (in addition to the natural disappearance of species).

Natural selection did not always encourage improved signs for reasons of its plural ways. More often, the natural selection fastens signs, which allows existing to the organism, but are not optimal, and sometimes imperfect. Natural selection creates sometimes the fantastic shapes, far from expedient. Evidence of the binary of plurality in the annex to the areas of evolution, to the process of development of the various species, are very much. Among them are a lot of expedient and inexpedient, which created in nature [7].

Inexpedient in nature is shown as not the right material, construction, process, functions in order to achieve the goal. Perhaps inexpedient is organic property of the natural world, which is the engine for the process of evolution. There are in nature many inexpedient and absurd directions of evolution together with expedient. This is the binary plurality (table 1).

Table 1

The plurality of forms of speciation and disappearance of species

By Ch. Darwin, and phyleticаl









Both forms act together

Speciation and disappearance of species, conversion of organs and signs in time

Gradual speciation

Technogenic complication of speciation

Sudden speciation

Intermittent speciation

Synchronous tempos of speciation

Independence of tempos of speciation

Plurality of disappearance of species

Trend of evolution

“Canalized” evolution

Binary plural evolution

Degree of “progressiveness” of evolution

Biological “progress”

Plural intermediate combinations

Biological “regress”, devolution

Well-known binary plural evolution and devolution (there are most likely unknown forms)



Total degeneration

Plural evolution

Natural devolution

Technogenic devolution

Plural devolution


Table 2

Structure of binary plural natural and man-caused selection

Plural variability

Multiple inheritance

Multiple survival

Changes of environmental conditions (including man-caused)

Differential response of species populations to environmental factors

Complex impact of technogenic evolution and devolution of nature of Earth

Interspecific and intra-specific aggression, fighting with the abiotic factors

Mutation process that modifies the genotypes, and free interbreeding including man-caused factors

Well-known plural natural and man-caused selection (there are most likely unknown forms)

Driving form



Tearing (disrupting)


“Passing”, (pervious), “gating”

“Positive and negative”

Sexual; at level of genes


Selective elimination of loss-less adapted species, survival of some less adapted species; “gating” of species by selection

Survival of the more adapted (sometimes less adapted) species and the creation of posterity from all surviving specimens; “gating” of species

Multiple effects of natural selection through the functions on conversion of morphological structures of living organisms

Rapid change in the highly specialized organs when changing their functions

Long absence changes

Slow changes of polyfunctional organ (for example, brain)


Natural selection and speciation have binary plurality of forms (fig. 4). As noted by K. Lorenz, [2] “sometimes” selection looks through your fingers “and not simply misses the second-rate design, it reaches a deadlock (“gating” above). The complexity of evolution pointed out V. Solovyov: “our biological history is slow and painful birth. … convulsive shaking motion, blind groping; … There was many monstrous creatures and miscarriages”! [5]. As follows from this statement, there are usefulness (birth), and the apparent irrationality (monstrous brood). There are a lot of organs and functions, which may be more appropriate. Why in process of very important homeostasis all organisms must be eaten up? What is the form of natural selection among a number of insects, encouraging devoured by a female the male after fertilization? Why is incredibly wasteful pollination? Natural selection encourages and fastens and unnecessary and completely negative signs due their binary plurality. The structure of natural selection can be represented in binary plural form (table 2):

There is on fig. 5 binary multiplicity and variants of variability of signs “progress, regress” depending on the pressure of evolution or devolution. Is it possible to include the development of any animal, including humans, to aromorphosis if its separate bodies are far from perfect functioning? The sign of evolution is the development to the higher forms, to raise the level of the organization. However, the nature introduced here the branching: the highest achievement of evolution – people – is the most dangerous species for nature and for homeostasis, created the danger for the existence of all nature. If the ramifications of the development process is real, nature must pay for the complexity and increased level of organization, level of fitness, by way of the “negative” branch. This branch realizes on the example of the nutrition of living organisms and food chains.

Some of the earliest and most primitive living creatures were organisms with photosynthesis, they used the reaction of photosynthesis, i.e. do not eat other living things and were not themselves food for other organisms. Highly organized animals feed on other living organisms, and are themselves a source of food; they are included in the food chain as necessary components. Thus, raising the level of the organization has led to the emergence of predation, parasitism, and unethical food chains (nutrition at the expense of other, sometimes highly organized, living organisms). Apparently, this development can be called as binary plural, with simultaneous action within a single animal or population of several lines of evolution, and in a variety of relationships. The evolution of the level of organization has the branching form.

tetior4a.tif tetior4b.tif

Fig. 4. Binary plurality of forms of natural selection and of speciation


Fig. 5. Binary multiple paths of evolution and devolution: the curve can move slowly under the pressure of evolution or devolution

Each improvement, aromorphosis, entails a balancing negative branch of animal life. Upgrading the level of organization, the evolution reduces the degree of reliability, as the number of components and the relationships between them grows; organisms are more sensitive to environmental parameters. Many simple organisms, created during evolution, continue their being; their fast development is possible as a result of increased anthropogenic effects [7]. Life of good adapting highly organized species is supported as long as anthropogenic factors not narrowed or eliminated their ecological niche. For any living organism reality is binary evolution, which includes many positive and negative (from the point of view of the person) directions, growing with balancing branching. Wildlife and people evolve in the binary set of directions. The complex world was created as a result of evolution and natural selection, with positive and negative, expedient and inexpedient, beautiful and ugly, objects and phenomena.

Wildlife is developing in many objective directions, which are equally essential for development. The binary plurality of directions of evolution cannot be divided artificially into only progressive and retrogressive directions; they manifest itself in every living organism at the same time, in the organic unity of many areas. Multiple paths of evolution is increasing due to strong anthropogenic interference, artificial selection, reduction, ousting and suppression of nature, technogenic extinction, the transition to an intervention at the thin genetic level in evolution and natural selection. The natural evolution and natural selection are constantly shrinking, the loss of species and the breaks in global link networks of life lead to a rapid and unnatural for the evolution of the redistribution of the interaction of organisms with their environment. Binary plurality of evolution allows thinking that the multiplicity of ways the evolutionary process is optimal for reliability, stable flow and continuity of evolution, for homeostasis and the evolution of life on Earth. Due the binary plurality is supported the constant movement, development, evolution, and is excluded the stagnation, the cessation of motion. Binary multiple directions of evolution implies the possibility of directional displacement of curve of normal distribution characteristics by pressure of evolution and devolution; people can prevent the reduction of diversity, as a result of ecologization. However, anthropogenic interference in evolution and natural selection suggests that will occur the narrowing field of natural selection and the reduction of many evolutionary relationships and evolutionary paths. May be realize the significant change in the direction of natural evolution, including a massive artificial species extinction, the growth of artificial environment, not limited reproduction of some organisms (such as cyanobacteria) that may be harmful to the life of other organisms. These phenomena are technogenic devolution. The results of this process are unpredictable.

Devolution of wildlife runs in many directions; some of the devolution ways are due to natural selection, simplification of functions with the disappearance of the organs (degeneration), other are due human impacts. The critical question here: is there the end of the evolutionary process of wildlife; the growth of biodiversity cannot be infinite. It must be either stabilization or devolution. It is difficult to imagine a stabilizing selection or other form of long-term stable existence of wildlife on Earth. Most likely, there will be partial stabilization, a minor evolution, and then disappearance of species because of a reduction in area of natural environment and other technogenic influences. Human (simplified, emotional, built on the needs) assessment of the evolution, nature, life, can lead to unacceptable interference in the process of evolution, to the growth of artificiality, to promote the progress and related creatures of nature, and to eliminate the “regress”, unpleasant, dangerous, seemingly useless landscapes, flora and fauna. People have the propensity to simplified dual and even the unipolar thinking. They will never cease to dream of paradise, about the fast artificial landscapes, universal including genetic health and beauty, of universal happiness, because this is one of their basic needs. But universal paradise landscapes, beautiful and useful nature, beautiful animals, ethical, intelligent, beautiful people, never will be in the real binary multiple reality [6-8].


The concept of plural evolution and devolution of plural World is created taking into account binary plurality of the World with its branching evolution and converging devolution; it is the most general concept of Universe, doctrine about Life. It is knowledge of binary plurality of subjects and of phenomena joining in different parities dual multitude of opposite qualities in existing with branching and convergences World. Natural evolution and natural selection have binary plural directions. Notion about slow evolution of binary plural World and man, about dialectical necessity of all negative as an organic part of the World, about permanent interaction of all binary multiple objects and phenomena, about signs of a slow binary multiple devolution, of the need to reduce the anthropogenic impacts and the degree of artificiality of environment, of the necessity of all-embracing ecologization, will help to humanity to identify ways of a more balanced interaction between people and between man and nature.

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URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=33803 (дата обращения: 07.05.2024).

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