Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Cherdymova E.I. 1 Machnev V.Y. 1
1 Samara State National Research University named after Korolev
Substance and nature of the definition “ecoprofessional conscious” and the issue of formation of the specialist’s ecoprofessional conscious are considered in this article. Comparative characteristics of the ecoprofessional conscious, ecological conscious and specialist’s professional conscious are given in the text. An analysis of native and foreign literature is hold by several ways: state, issues and perspectives of ecological, professional conscious. Levels of the integration of ecological and professional students’ preparation are also considered there.
ecoprofessional conscious
ecological conscious
professional conscious
structural components of conscious
levels of the integration of ecological and professional preparation
1. Akopov G.V. Psychology of conscious: Questions of methodology, theory and applied researches [text]: monograph / G.V. Akopov. – M.: Institute of Psychology PAS, 2010 – 272 p.
2. Behterev V.M. Mind and life [text] / V.M. Behterev // Favorite works about psychology of personality. V 2 t. T 1. – SP.: Aleteya, 1999. – P. 27–199.
3. Gagarin A.V. Education by nature. Some aspects of ecological education and training humanization [text]: monograph / A.V. Gagarin – M.: Moscow urban Psychology and Educational Institute, 2000. – 2332 p.
4. Deryabo S.D. Two models of ecology [text] / S.D. Deryabo, V.A. Yasvin // A human. – 1998. – № 1. – P. 34–40.
5. Ivashenko A.V. Ecologically oriented mindset of personality [text]: monograph / A.V. Ivashenko, V.I. Panov, A.V. Gagarin. – M.: Prosveshenie, 1992. – 422 p.
6. Reimers N.F. Protection of Nature and Environment [text]: dictionary-directory / N.F. Reimers. – M.: Prosveshenie, 1992. – 320 p.
7. Screbec V.O. Ecological psychology [text]: tutorial / V.O. Screbec – Kiev: IAPM, 1998.
8. Cherdymova E.I. Ecological intention of personality [text]: monograph / E.I. Cherdymova. – Moscow URIE, 2013. – 238 p.
9. Organizational psychological support formation of students’ ecoprofessional conscious [text]: monograph / E.I. Cherdymova, T.M. Sorokina. – publish. “Samara University’, 2013. – 348 p.

Nowadays in all kinds of human professional activity, which are dangerous for environment, it’s necessary to pay attention to past years’ mistakes and try to avoid similar actions, that have already become a part of human bad experience. We can get it by paying more attention to formation ecoprofessional conscious of human in interest of stable development.

We consider that the ecoprofessional conscious (EP conscious) is an integral psychic formation, that reflects interaction between specialist and Nature which is based on ecoprofessional knowledges, self-awareness as a part of Nature and comprehension of the environment through the prism of EP attitude to it, where the main rule is a positive position of a rational using natural and global resources, intentions, ecologically and professionally providing expedient activity in aim of stable development and coevolution man and nature [8].

Ecoprofessional conscious turns into a more advanced block in educational sphere, in a source of global transformations due to professional conscious that can lead to natural balance destruction during reflecting and converting the ambient space. The development difference of professionalism and ecological conscious. The society needs formation of ecoprofessional specialist’s conscious in conditions of modernization economic into environmentally friendly and introduction of nanotechnologies in manufacture.

Psycho-pedagogical researches shows that the solution of the integration of students’ ecological and professional preparation, that is based on philosophically-ethical, psychological, pedagogical levels, requires opening the genesis of ecological, professional conscious and conscious in general.

Different aspects in the systematic registration of the conscious problem can be noted from conscious sphere researches made by G.V. Akopov, V.M. Behterev, F.E. Vasilyuk, L.S. Vygotski, V.A. Ganzen, A.A. Gostev, V.P. Zinchencko, A.N. Leontyev, A.V. Petrovski, V.I. Panov, S.L. Rubinshtein, K. Yaspers, I. Ajzen and M. Fishbein etc.

Philosophically-psychological aspect: the main difficult is to determine the essential characteristic of the conscious because it binary opposes to matter and directly or indirectly participates in different derivatives of this opposition: psychic – corporeal, subjective – objective, individual – social, interior – external, regular – spontaneous, dependent – independent, necessary – free etc.

Philosophically-methodological aspect: the most interesting decisions were made by V.M. Behterev [2] (objectivistic overcome ontological dualism by substantial explanation of the conscious) and by K. Yaspers (rational thinking submits to existential thinking – contemplation).

General psychological aspect: on the one hand the conscious is endued with limit wide, it consists of psychic processes, states, features, on the other hand it consists from full uncertainty of appearance (a conscious is determined by view sentences and has a variety of definitions in native and foreign educational literature for psychology.

Psychology-applied aspect: conscious doesn’t have enough space in the different sectors of psychology, except of psychotherapy and partly pathopsychology. Also there are such collocations as economic conscious, political conscious, electoral conscious, legal conscious, moral conscious, professional conscious, consumer conscious, ecological conscious etc.

Analysis of signed aspects in systematic formalization of conscious’s problem allows to make a conclusion that a set position of high engagement and conscious’s small demand of theoretical and applied works isn’t an accident for existing system of psychological knowledge and practice, moreover, the conscious works not only as basic category but as distinctly operationalizing definition in a whole range of new native psychological ways. As for general decision, education has a main role in creating new ecological point of view, it’s propagation and statement in the social conscious. A search for solutions in the sphere of ecoprofessional conscious of students is in the way of decision about it’s structure and levels of development.

From this point of view a problem of the conscious structure is topical. Analysis of conceptions by G.V. Akopov, V.M. Behterev, F.E. Vasilyuk, L.S. Vygotski, V.A. Ganzen, V.P. Zinchenko, A.N. Leontiev, V.N. Myasishev, A.V. Petrovski lets determine different ways of determining and describing a structure and levels of conscious. Leaded analysis of conscious structure shows that the majority of authors mark four main psychological characteristics in the structure of individual conscious: complex of knowledge, distinction between subject and object, goal-setting of activity, attitude to the world, people and itself. The last one usually is in composition of emotional experiences.

Measuring nowadays situation in ecological education, it is clear, that the main attention is devoted to the problem of ecological development of person conscious. A lot of aspects of ecological conscious gained fairly deep comprehension in the native psychology and pedagogy. In particular famous native scientists view ecological conscious as:

– Complex: of views (individual and group) about interrelations in the system “man-nature” and in the nature; of subjective (personality) man’s attitude to the world of nature; of appropriate strategies and technologies of man and nature interactions; of life values in ethical point that dictate a necessary of ecologized values (S.D. Deryabo, V.A. Yasvin) [4];

– Conscious of the certain student, i.e. in it’s actual form in which ecological conscious’s structural components contains signs of it’s different types (anthropocentric, ecocentric, природоцентрический) (A.V. Gagarin [3]);

– Integrative education of personality, that is structurally presented as a complex of elements that can be combined in basic groups reflecting aspects: cognitive or intellectual-cognitive; perceptual-affective or emotional-volitional; motivational-behavioral; value-orientation (V.I. Panov, A.V. Ivashenko, A.V. Gagarin) [5];

– Deep and brought to automatism understanding of indissoluble man and humanity connection with nature, man’s wellbeing addictions from integrity and relative immutability of native human habits. (N.F. Reimers) [6];

– Continuously changing complex of sensual and mental images that are directly reflected in the analytically created categories and phenomena, directly fixing individual or social ecological experience that anticipates ecological practice (V.A. Skrebec) [7] etc.

After critical rethinking and adding existing definitions of the “ecological conscious”, we decided that the component “ecological intention” is included to the ecological conscious.

Due to researches works it is the fact that the ecological intention in relation to overall level of ecoprofessional conscious’s formation helps ecological knowledge becomes ecological intention and ecological behavior in the future.

In the result of analysis of the professional conscious’s content that was hold on the base of timing, it was found that the professional conscious is understood as:

– Central category in the high educational preparation (N.N. Nechaev);

– Professional knowledge and skills, development of individually – typological features of the personality, style features of the work (A.P. Egorshin, A.N. Mitin);

– Professional qualities, professional aims, plans, professional relations, prognosis, evaluations (A.Y. Kibanov);

– Appearances of the personal conscious, related to it’s professional activity, which are determined by place and value of this profession in professional structure of the society; by personality attitude to profession, its representatives and structure of the society; by professional ideals; by levels of professional knowledge and skills; by expression of professional skills; by professional perspectives, achievement; by positive and negative experiences in professional activity etc (G.V. Akopov) [1].

In a broad sense, the definition “ecological conscious” includes all of those appearances of conscious of personality that are bounded with all of kinds of its interaction with the environment because the structure of the ecological and professional conscious consists of: cognitive processes with help of which people can increase their knowledge; the world of feelings which includes relation, stands, intentions providing goal-setting activity. Signed structural components of ecological conscious (cognitive, value-motivational, orientation and connotative) are relevant to components of professional conscious [9].

At the same time of new millennium it is obviously that existing ecological education is based on analytical knowledge about environment and narrowly pragmatically and consumer focused and that’s why it couldn’t cardinally change the mindset of the majority of society. As the result objective necessity of transitioning to a new stage of its development is appeared. Ideas of coevolution and stable development must become a methodological basis of a new paradigm formation.

In that point of view an issue of integration of ecological and professional preparation has a special relevance. Formation of ecoprofessional students’ conscious is the key tool of a paradigm about human civilization transitioning to the model of stable development and educational process includes formation of knowledge, relations, stands, intentions steady translating a personality eco-oriented activity of becoming professionals.

Its methodologically important to mark that ecoprofessional conscious is a developing phenomenon in the psychology and has got an opportunity to appearance and development in its basis. Because of it ecoprofessional conscious as an object of psychology can be a subject of diagnostic of its availability or lack and a subject of purposeful formation.

Integration of ecological and professional preparation, first of all, is expressed in that a student does three interrelated functions: firstly, a student is an effective “working” integrator, the activity of whom is determined by positive integration acceptance of ecological and professional preparation; secondly, in integration personality of a student is a splicing factor that unites components of integration; thirdly, changes in the development of EP conscious, qualitative characteristics of its “growth” are an aim and a result of integration of ecological and professional preparation [8].

Premises of integration of professional and ecological preparation are:

  • Paradigm shift of professional conscious from consumer XIX–XX c. to eco-professionally expedient XXI c.;
  • Educationally-professional motivation of students to get higher education;
  • Specialist as an owner of professional conscious is also included in the system of ecological relations, and as an owner of ecological conscious – system of ecological values;
  • Indestructible connection of the sphere of professional relations, in which human, is included during the process of professional activity and ecosphere;
  • Evolution of human as a subject (owner) of conscious (cognitive, value-motivational, orientation and connotative components);
  • An effect of successive complementarity of components in integration of ecological and professional preparation [9];

According to theoretical and methodological concepts and premises of integration we mark integration modular units. In our research content of integration is performed by modular units interaction of which provides with receiving appropriate integral result. Modular units are owners of integration and act as its interacting elements on all three marked downward invariant levels which present phased ecoprofessional preparation.

So main modular units of ecological and professional prepare integration are professional: cognitive, value-motivational, orientation and connotative components.

One of the central issues of the research is an identification of integration levels during formation of EP conscious. By integration levels of ecological and professional preparation we mean quality varieties of integration. The index of character of relationships between whole and its parts is a basis of identification of levels of ecoprofessional and ecological preparation.

An essence of three integration levels is performed in the research. In our point of view, an integration of ecological and ecoprofessional preparation can consist of some levels: convergent; reciprocal; coherent and each of these fits a stage of ecoprofessional preparation.

A convergent integration level of ecological and ecoprofessional preparation is a structural expedient organized connection between modular units and professional preparation which is hold to students’ self-development. Convergence (from lat. Converge – get close, meet) – similarity of ecological and ecoprofessional integration components, getting the same directionality. Converged similarity can’t be deep that’s why it can be attributed to the first stage of ecoprofessional preparation.

Converged level of integration is performed by cooperation, community, similar way of activity, integration of efforts in the system, which is hold to multiplication of the final result.

The result of such integration of the first stage is when a student gets those knowledge that reflect connectivity of professional and ecological preparation as a system, where all the components are bounded. Conceptual parallelism of this kind of integration allows the existing of two synchronously moving categorical systems, – “professional” and “ecological”.

Reciprocal integration level of ecological and professional preparation is a process of alternation, interaction in which when one becomes stronger, then other one becomes weaker, such form suggests permanent interaction between ecological and professional preparation components, it can be attributed to the second stage of ecoprofessional preparation. Reciprocity (from lat. Reciprocus – recurrent, reverse, mutual, alternate) is a process of interaction where if activity of professional preparation modular units becomes stronger, then activity of ecological preparation modular units becomes weaker.

During the solution of reciprocal synthesis problems we can’t ignore the fact of struggle between modular units of ecological and professional preparation (cognitive, value-motivational, orientation and connotative) for their confession as a system basis modular units of integration.

In the result of reciprocal level of integration ecological and ecoprofessional preparations create a double-stranded model.

Reciprocal level is a finding out an overall platform of ecological and professional preparation convergence. At the junction of almost existing ecological and professional knowledge students get new and systematically complementing and expanding it, moving through the spiral by the principle of concentricity.

The positive side of the reciprocal level is an attempt of full consideration of EP preparation. Disadvantage is incommensurable amounts of ecological and professional knowledge, relations, stands and intentions and changes of their domination in the professional activity.

Coherent level of ecological and professional preparation integration is a process of interpenetration, splice of ecological and professional preparation modular units, in the result of what EP conscious is developing. Coherency (from lat. Cohaerentio – connection, clutch) is an agreed passing of come processes in the space and time, which are directed to the splice, interpenetration, implication of ecological and professional preparation modular units [9].

A process of coherent integration level of ecological and professional preparation includes phenomenon of splicing.

Splicing (from eng. Splice – glue) – a process of compound of ecological and professional preparation modular units.

Coherent level is a process of stringing some (majority) of integrable ecological and professional preparation modular units on the single kernel that acts like a self-generated core. In our opinion, such a self-generated core is an EP intention. As the result we have close interrelation between this core and other integrable components and between the latest one.

Coherent level of integration is the highest level of interrelation of ecological and professional modular units, which is based on indissolubility of components, new objectivity, monoobjectivity, new structure, new functions of components entering the relation.

Coherent level is the third stage of ecoprofessional preparation, directly related with ecological intentions in professional activity.

In this way integration of this level is not just a union of parts in a whole, it’s a system leading to the quantitative and qualitative changes, to EP conscious formation of students – future specialists.

Coherent level as two previous levels has an ability to include elements of other integration levels. The main feature of this integration is an objective immediate directionality to getting an applied result.

Библиографическая ссылка

URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=33723 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024).

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