Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Vorfolomeyeva O. 1 Wirth J. 2
1 West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov
2 Nizza University

We are investigated the complex of pedagogical approach through systematic analysis of the dynamic components of the informational and educational environment for the musician performer learning. In a study to identify the problems of systematization the structure and content of environment of information-educational mobility for musician-performer in the modern music pedagogy of Euro-Asian Economic Union of the XXI century. In accordance with the characteristics of music pedagogy for the performing specialties, developed pedagogical objectives, functions of didactics, shape and properties of information (electronic and physical) resources, as well as training and methodological support disciplines. We are studied pedagogical objectives, didactic functions of information resources for the musician-performers. Development of these issues is the basis of a systematic approach to pedagogical concept of musician-performer learning in the environment of information-educational mobility.

Technological discoveries radically change the structure and needs of global markets. We live in a completely different technological reality than before. Digital and nanotechnology, robotics, regenerative medicine, and many other achievements of science become everyday reality, transforming not only the environment, but also the man himself. We need to be active participants in these processes [1].

The concept of modernization of Russian education highlights the significance to train of competitive specialists able to work effectively of the level in this area of international standards, prepared to continue professional increase, sustainable social and professional mobility. Evolving societies need a modern educated, competent, highly moral, advanced people who can make their own responsible decisions concerning the situation, misgiving the possible consequences, the ability to cooperate, characterized by dynamism, constructive, in the strong sense of responsibility placing the fate of the country [2]. This statement applies to the problems of modern pedagogy of Kazakhstan and EAEC on the whole (in general).

The resume of the current concept of “mobile informational and educational environment” in terms to reinstruct musician-performers, then – EIEM (abbrev.), you must identify the contents of the conceptual category as a synthesis of mobility (flexibility, agility); information as pivotal resource pedagogy of the new generation; educational environment as a “zone of interaction between educational systems and their components” [3].

Particularly important in this aspect are the pedagogical goals, projected in EIEM:

1. To evolve a specific professional knowledge bank to train the performing musicians;

2. To develop appropriate competencies, capabilities and support capacities for independent study and professional activities on the performing musician;

3. Preparation and consolidation of skills to work with information in vocational oriented educational environment of performing musician;

4. To make use of search skills, application and development of methods of cognitive, performing and creative activity musician-performers in EIEM that will maintain high professional mobility in the future;

5. Securing through EIEM socially significant qualities, including not only a personal creativity but also the ability to integrated collective work.

Disclosure pedagogical purposes EIEM is possible only if the application functions didactics, namely:

– The formation of the musicians skills are responsible for performing activity by modeling work to improve the musical-theoretical experience through EIEM;

– Simulation of research activities in the field of music education and arts;

– Developing and strengthening the skills of independent search for information in the high-tech specialized resources EIEM through computer technology, high-tech data bases and their use in various types of training and professional activities of the performing musician;

– Collaborative training organizing and research activities, in the team of teachers and students(subject-object aspect);

– A dynamic information support, practice-oriented exchange of ideas, planning of individual learning paths in EIEM;

– Formation of practical skills and communicative culture in partnership working in EIEM conditions;

– Providing advisory support beyond the time and geographical position of EIEM subjects;

– Formation of the entire spectrum of competencies to train. The performing musicians are at the center of this effort not in a strict technical way, but as human beings.

The didactic properties of information resources in the aspect to train musicians in EIEM enunciated in the following terms:

– mobile information resources appear as a complex system of storage, processing and exchange of any kind of specialized information in EIEM for a musician;

– mobile information resources as a way of allocating access to the EIEM;

– mobile Information source solutions enable to teach and professionally-designed tasks, such as lectures and professional high-tech applications;

– mobile Information resources as the possibility to organize the professional communication without borders, out of time, with the help of the whole complex of EIEM.

Forms of information (electronic and physical) resources to train musicians in EIEM.

Well-organized system of electronic and physical information resources to train musician- performer in EIEM, will provide direct access the teachers and the students to the original informative sources, as well as the development of training complexes and disciplines (sillabus). This approach will reduce the time searching for basic, supplementary and reference materials for training courses. Visual, auditory, text, graphic objects, developed in the course of academic disciplines, the use of some specialized (justified expediency) computer programs, will help free up time for lectures and practical exercises, by providing students for a more profound analysis of the issues and approaches.

1. Library information resources as a tool of management (domestic and international) in the field of science, art, music and education;

2. Discovery and systematization of material in the utilization of databases as precluding comprehensive educational information portals, educational institutions (High Education strategy, organizational structure, personnel, organization of scientific, educational research, information library resources, feedback, contacts, and other).

3. Legislative requirements, sample documents and regulatory frameworks in the field of special (higher) music education;

4. Database links specialized services of online multimedia resources and platforms in the theory and practice of musical art and education;

5. Domestic and foreign directory enquiry services of operating network infrastructures in the field of science, education (schools of different levels in the profile, the state and public scientific communities, forums, etc.

6. Domestic and foreign directory enquiry services of operating network infrastructures in the field of culture and arts (schools of different levels, theaters, philharmonic society, concert halls, competitive organizations at various levels, institutions of culture, education, community, forums, etc..);

7. International directory business, producing musical instruments, parts, additional equipment and conducting their maintenance;

8. Information catalogues related to organizations providing security of employment and professional involvement after graduation, throughout life;

9. Production industry for information processing systems in the field of computer and music technology;

10. Directory enquiry services for publishing musical, methodical, educational, scientific literary, publishing houses, periodicals, reviews, etc .;

11. Apply technical means of access to the EIEM (means of computer and mobile communications, Internet access).

The centerpiece of the educational process from the standpoint of traditional music pedagogy and pedagogy of the XXI century, devoted to furthering the methodological support disciplines EIEM for the performing musicians, it can be represented by the following components:

1. State standard features contains a complex of compulsory education rules and their characteristics, aimed at obtaining in professional competences;

2. A set of special, profiling and elective (alternative, optional), with the possibility of additional related specializations;

3. Practice units that make up the intersubjective field – a group of related disciplines (interdisciplinary), aimed at the envolvement of professional competencies;

4. Independent discipline, self-paced learning which challenges the whole person;

5. Individual career trajectories (curricula, programs) to train musicians in practical courses of special disciplines. Informative electronic information units can be expressed in the ratio of the following parts:

6. Themes, sections and paragraphs for lectures, seminars and individual work;

7. Chapters to check and fix independent and practical exercises (exercises, problems, music dictation, music for listening);

8. Presentation, graphics, illustrations, photos, audio and video materials; materials for examination and control of the crediting (the bank issues and topics, tests, quizzes, performing programs);

9. Reference and hypertext literature of study for (basic and supplementary);

10. Themes essays, term papers, research work, creative projects; politico – grading;

11. Terminologies glossary;

12. Music computer directory enquiry services;

13. Links for information, multimedia, internet and local (within the university) resources, educational portals;

All information in the core disciplines of EIEM can contain as well as of electronic and physical form complies with the requirements of traditional and modern open music pedagogy of XXI century.

Information technology components are including the media literacy of the teachers (teacher information literacy). In possession of adequate auxiliary means of external influence on the students “flow” of learning arrangements, advice and support for the learning process, learning cooperation and learning networks. To share information and communication space, to tackle complex situations, discourse [4, p. 27].

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Research Graduate School in priority areas of science and technology”, Switzerland, 27 April–03 may 2015, came to the editorial office оn 18.03.2015.

Библиографическая ссылка

URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=33416 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024).

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