The environmental conditions of East Kazakhstan are rich, varied and subject to centuries of economic use. Modern development of entrepreneurial activity in the mining and manufacturing industries, agriculture, urban development and transport only accelerated intensive antropogenization of all components of the nature from the geological substrate to biota, which is inevitably led to a change of the virgin image of geosystems disappearance from the face of the earth entire tracts and facies. Satellite imagery is a silent witness of progressive growth and areal development of the technological, agricultural, transport, residential and gerrogene classes of anthropogenic impacts on the surface of natural systems, and sometimes the complete disappearance of the latter.
Wealthy factual material on the natural environment and achieve scientific research in the field of regional geoecology, practicality and the need for cartographic regional materials has led to the need to integrate ecological and cartographic research on integrated thematic mapping. It is regional geo-environmental Atlas of East Kazakhstan.
Preparing for the establishment of a regional small-scale geo-ecological atlas has the specificity and it is in our opinion the following:
1. Analysis and systematization of regional factual material;
2. Compliance with the principles and methods of modern theme – geo-environmental mapping;
3. Analysis of experience in creating similar regional maps of adjacent border areas (Altai Region, Russia);
4. Guided by the principles of content and structural features of the National Atlas of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The work is carried out within the financing of the Committee on Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on priority “Intellectual potential of the country” and on priority “Basic research in the natural sciences” in the scientific program of the project “Simulation of the degree of deformation of geosystems of East Kazakhstan under the influence of technogenic” (2012–2014).
On the content the Atlas is regional, small-scale and it is represented by 4 blocks: Introductory, Physical geographic, Economic geographical and Environmental. There are 90 cards, such as “Physical map of East Kazakhstan” (scale 1: 2,000,000).
The process of creating maps implemented in phases:
Step 1: Creating a project based cards structural-genetic principle display the content, purpose and basic requirements for the map: the main traditional elements of its content, thematic basis, the mathematical basis (projection scale), the thematic content, the legend, the auxiliary equipment.
Step 2: Creating a program card: name, scope, purpose, mathematical basis, cartographic representation, thematic content, cartographic design, the legend, the principles of integration, literary and cartographic sources, the description of the thematic content of the map.
Step 3: Creating an instance of copyright of map.
Step 4: Creating an electronic version of the map.
The work is carried out within the geographical approach to environmental mapping: orientation when creating maps of ecological unit on the methodological basis for environmental mapping (landscape basis, territorial and spatial integration of environmental information, the content of geo-environmental maps, geo-ecological zoning hierarchy of units).
There are maps of human impacts and environmental changes under the influence of human activities according to the classification of environmental unit maps.
They are classified as inventory as they reflect accounting and descriptive characteristics of contamination. Territorial structure of pollution is given in the complex physical, chemical, biological, short-term and long-term showing the main types of regional pollution: torch, compact, spotted and concentric.
We adhere to a relatively well-established and generally accepted classification of scientific and applied orientation in the matter of classification of ecological maps at all variety of classifications. Create maps are inventory (accounting and descriptive object), evaluation (state of the environment), the content – antropogene impact types of economic activity; on purpose – research and practical environmental activities, inventory and assessment, with the aim of administrative use and environmental education, education and training.
Remoting of sensing data (satellite images, aerial photos), statistics, results of field mapping in key areas, analysis of the literature and library materials are served by the reference point information for mapping.
The main methodological techniques when working on the creation of maps are visual, dimensions on landscape maps, graphics, statistical techniques and elements of geoinformation mapping.
The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Research Graduate School in priority areas of science and technology”, Switzerland, 27 April–03 may 2015, came to the editorial office оn 08.04.2015.
Библиографическая ссылка
Egorina A.V., Lineva L.A., Peremitina S.V., Kaysina M.I., Bolusaeva K.M. REGIONAL GEO-ECOLOGICAL ATLAS OF EAST KAZAKHSTAN // European Journal of Natural History. – 2015. – № 2. – С. 49-50;URL: (дата обращения: 19.02.2025).