Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Kutebayev T.Z. 1 Akhmetova G.M. 1 Kintonova A.Z. 2
1 Astana Medical University
2 Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov

The system of reading learning with the help of computer technologies, e-books, multimedia and interactive tools (Professional English in Medicine, Interactive CD + Workbook) was tested on the basis of the Astana Medical University, Astana city, Kazakhstan [8, 9]. Reading learning was performed on a specially given part of the lesson and took 30–40 minutes. As a result of course with the help of a computer the time of students’ reading of the text is decreased, they rarely ask the teacher, and the cases of recurrent asking for assistance are decreased significantly. Students significantly less ask for a help, encountering the word which meaning can be understood independently and they definitely determine the type of difficulty that they have to overcome. Test results were more higher. Thus, we can assume that the given system of training is effective and we recommend it to use in Universities with the necessary equipment.

Computer-innovative technologies, e-Books, multimedia and interactive tools are highly being introduced into the process of foreign languages learning in universities. [1, 10]. We investigated such technical and methodological possibilities of the computer as ability of modeling conditions of communicative activity, the bulk increase of language training in the process of mastering the lexical and grammatical skills, individualization and differentiation of learning, principle implementation of the feedback, objective and complete control of skills; unification possibility of the educational process in different educational institutions, stimulating teachers to use various innovative techniques.

Our exercises from e-Book (Professional English in Medicine, Interactive CD + Workbook) provide visual, detailed orientation, and really quite effective solve tasks – according to the extra motivation students memorize given material more deeply, and use it better during the speech activity as shown on the Fig. 1, 2. [4], [6].

Therefore, we consider that the use of unique opportunities of the computer in the teaching field of reading and writing on foreign language is an important task now. The main task of learning to read in foreign language – is to teach students to read the simple original text and to overcome difficulties.

The use of a computer is necessary for more effective formation of reading ability in the process of teaching reading. The computer can simulate, motivate, optimize self-education, and provide the transfer of linguistic material to the other types of speech activity.

A computer is a supplementary device which solves only certain tasks. Using a computer in training presumes wide practice in reading of traditional printed texts. The computer at the same time will perform the following functions: to be a controlling device, determining the correct understanding; to be learning device, regulating the degree of student’s self-sufficiency in the process of text understanding; to provide individualization of text understanding, its stages; to give the opportunity to perform a differentiated approach in the selection of texts and types of exercises for each student; to serve as a means of forming of self-control skills in the process of reading; to be a trainer-simulator, allowing you to work out quickly a particular speech action, necessary for the success of the activities in general; to be a source of extra motivation [2, 3].

Thus, the computer can give the opportunity to manage pliantly with the reading process of the group of students. Using a computer can be effective in the training of skills variety in reading: to teach correctly intone of the text, to help mastering necessary skills of reading technics, to expand the perception field during reading, to increase the individual rate of students’ reading, to form the ability how to use dictionary and reference books, to teach students to overcome a variety of language difficulties themselves, to divide the received information from the text into the primary and secondary, etc.


Fig. 1


Fig. 2

Series of tasks of independent training to overcome difficulties in the process of reading are given as an example of computer using for learning to read. We marked out series of tasks for the teaching of students’ reading in English language. We presumed that students already knew the system of rules and basic skills of reading techniques (Fig. 3).


Fig. 3

The purpose of these series of tasks is to form students’ skills to overcome with language difficulties of text understanding. Gradually each link of series is considered here separately, although in fact they are combined into a unified basic program.

The program includes the instruction, text and words in the form of keys as a support (at the level of vocabulary and grammar), which includes all words from the text, and exercises to control reading comprehension. Reading the text, which is on the display screen (with the possibility to return to any previous part of the text), student can apply the keys at the difficult moment during the process of reading. Particular importance in our program is paid to the word-keys. Gradually, students learn to overcome a variety of difficulties in the process of reading: to understand the word and guess its meaning according to the context, etc. [5].

We considered following requirements for the program material: clarity, accuracy, instruction availability to the programs use; facility of movements in the program; the possibility to control and regulate the feed rate of the text; the opportunity to register students success and informing students about them; the ability to provide a variety of exercises in the program, potentially interesting for the learners; the opportunity to use the program both in the group and individually.

The system of reading learning with the help of computer technologies, e-books, multimedia and interactive tools (Professional English in Medicine, Interactive CD + Workbook) was tested on the basis of the Astana Medical University, Astana city, Kazakhstan [8, 9]. Reading learning was performed on a specially given part of the lesson and took 30–40 minutes. All students worked with the computer with great interest and pleasure [7].

Achievement checking of the given learning system was performed in such way: control experiment on the two different in content, but identical in volume and difficulty of the text was carried out in two parallel groups in the beginning of training. Results were recorded. After the training course the same texts were used as final, but the control texts were being changed between the groups. Therefore the results can be compared according to the same text in groups of students who have studied and who haven’t studied with the help of computer. As a result of course with the help of a computer the time of students’ reading of the text is decreased (average from 10 to 15 minutes), they rarely ask the teacher, and the cases of recurrent asking for assistance are decreased significantly. Students significantly less ask for a help, encountering the word which meaning can be understood independently and they definitely determine the type of difficulty that they have to overcome.

Test results were more higher. Thus, we can assume that the given system of training is effective and we recommend it to use at Universities with the necessary equipment.


  1. Kutebaev T. Zh. Electronic textbook as constituting computer and information technologies in teaching and pedagogical process student // International scientific conference «Қazahstanu-5» – 2010. – Vol. 2. – Р. 312–316.
  2. Kutebaev T. Zh., Akhmetov G.M. Computer and innovative technologies as a means of teaching students a foreign language // International scientific seminar «Multilingualism and intercultural education: experience in teaching foreign languages in Kazakhstan». – 2012. – Р. 133–136. available at: http://science.kaznu.kz/Content/Files/SciPublications/Annotations/annotation2309.pdf.
  3. Akhmetov G.M., Kutebaev T. Zh. Application of an electronic textbook in English for residents of postgraduate education in the JSC «Astana Medical University» // Scientific journal «Bulletin of the Eurasian National University named after LN ENU». – 2013. – № 1 (92). – Р. 350–356. available at: http://enu.kz/repository/repository2014/Primenenie-elektronnogo-uchebnika-po-angliskomu-iaziku-dlia-rezidentov-poslevuzovskogo-obrazaovania-v-AO-Medincinskii-Universitet-Astana.
  4. Kutebaev T. Zh., Akhmetov G.M. Professional English in Medicine (Interactive CD + Workbook) (electronic textbook ELA) // International Journal of applied and fundamental research. – 2013. – № 2. – P. 98–99. available at: URL: www.rae.ru/upfs/?section=content&op=show_article&article_id=3377.
  5. Kutebaev T. Zh., Akhmetov G.M., Asanbaev A.Z. English language with computer innovative technology and E-books in medical education // Scientific and practical journal Valeology: health, illness and recovery. – 2013. – № 1. – Р. 241–246.
  6. Kutebayev T.Zh., Akhmetova G.M. Professional English in Medicine, Interactive CD + Workbook: electronic textbook – Astana, 2009 – Р. 24.
  7. Kutebayev T.Zh., Akhmetova G.M. Computer technology and E-Books in education // Karagandisky Gazette «Bolashak» Actual problems of modernity – 2010. – № 13 (63). – Р. 72–76.
  8. Kutebayev T.Zh., Akhmetova G.M. Professional English in Medicine (scientific work) // Certificate of state registration of intellectual property MJ RK – № 1475, 28.09.2010.
  9. Kutebayev T.Zh., Akhmetova G.M. Professional English in Medicine ( computer program ) / / Certificate of state registration of intellectual property MJ RK – № 1415, 02.09.2010. 10. Kutebaev T.Zh., Akhmetova GM, Asanbayev A.Zh. Computer innovative technology, e-Books and English language in medical education / / International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2. – URL: http://www.science-sd.com/455-24390.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Priority directions of development of science, technologies and techniques», Italy (Rome), April 12–19, 2014 came to the editorial office оn 10.04.2014.

Библиографическая ссылка

Kutebayev T.Z., Akhmetova G.M., Kintonova A.Z. READING WITH COMPUTER INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND E-BOOKS: COURSE AND INSTRUCTIONS // European Journal of Natural History. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 66-69;
URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=33255 (дата обращения: 07.05.2024).

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