The main problem, linked to creation of corporate informational systems of management is development of models, methods, and algorithms that form the basis of program application and define an adequacy of the system to the set goals. Improving theory and practice of corporate program applications that allow one to monitor an internal environment of industrial enterprises has become urgent in China [1, 2, 3].
Analysis of modern methods and approaches towards systems of managing productive-technological activity of Chinese industrial enterprises
Solving the problem of industrial enterprises’ efficiency is directly linked to automatization of financial-economic activity and all stages of productive cycle – from the developing design of a ware, its construction and production, to its after-sale service [1, 3].
Possibilities of modern means of automatizing enterprises’ activity have exceeded limits of traditional functions and allow one to carry out analysis of productive activity in real time.
Corporate informational systems for industrial enterprises include an integrated set of program solutions that cover basic aspects of an enterprise’s activity. An integrated solution represents a consequent process of automatizing separate productive, technological processes, and management activity. The pointed method covers all critical processes and then provides for the transition towards automatizing auxiliary areas.
Most informational systems of managing an enterprise have wide databases. However, extracting information that is useful for making a decision from a database still represents a certain difficulty.
Functionality of informational systems of managing engineering enterprises is being widened due to formalization of a greater number of processes from different areas of organization activities. From this point of view, the basic limitation of developing informational systems are abilities of modern management theory in field of system analysis, mathematic modeling, methods and approached towards solving problems in a certain area of activity.
The main problem of creating informational systems of management is developing models, methods, and algorithms that form the foundation of a program application and define a system’s adequacy to the set objectives. Studying action algorithms of informational management systems allows one to state absence of a compact methodical tool of modeling and managing organization-economic activity that allows one to carry out description and provision of integral characteristics of an enterprise’s operations in real time, work out operative measures of management. Developing such tool bears a special significance for purposes of operative management of productive-technological activity of large industrial structures that are distributed between territories.
Operative monitoring of internal environment of industrial enterprises
The main problem, linked to creating corporate informational systems of management is development of models, methods, and algorithms that form the foundation of a program application and define the system’s adequacy to the set objectives [2, 3]. It is necessary to develop theory and practice of developing corporate program applications that allow one to carry out operative monitoring of internal environment of industrial enterprises according to complex indexes of subsidiaries and also:
● work out operative managing impacts according to identification of significant parameters of enterprises’ activity and their contribution into the final complex index;
● monitor and correct the fulfillment of enterprises’ reconstruction programs in terms of defence-industrial holdings according to changes in key productive-technological and organization-economic parameters in real time;
● carry out comparative multidimensional analysis of financial-economic condition of subsidiaries of a given defence-industrial holding with jurisdictional organizations of other integrated structures;
● carry out visual dynamic analysis of the current condition integrated structures’ subsidiaries according to ranging statistics.
One of the most complex problems in developing a method of estimating condition of enterprises according to the given criterions is always selection of the initial set of indexes [2-5]. It is a serious problem, since the excessive number of indexes can lead to loss of simplicity and uniqueness of defining the received result. On the other hand, reducing number of indexes can lead to loss of the approach complexity and underestimation of separate factors that impact the final image of the studied condition, phenomenon, situation.
Developing a method and algorithm of monitoring internal environment of an industrial enterprise in estimation of financial-economic condition of holding structures’ subsidiaries has allowed us to decrease the number of controlled parameters under an insignificant error of final evaluations.
Creation of efficient methods of operative management of technological and organization-economic activity of machine building enterprises is an urgent problem at the current stage of developing corporate informational systems. Cumulative toolkit of an organization system of operative monitoring and managing productive-technological activity of industrial enterprises allow one to increase consistency and justification of management decisions. A presence of complex evaluations of enterprises allow us to carry out comparative multidimensional analysis of the activity of large defence-industrial enterprises, estimate correspondence of the subsidiaries’ growth dynamics to the requirements, correct processes of restructuring and reforming operatively.
1. Tiyan Uan Analysis of modern methods and approaches towards constructing systems of managing productive-technological activity of industrial of Chinese industrial enterprises // Automatization and management in technical systems. – 2012, № 1;URL: (application date: 09/09/2013).
2. Tiyan Uan Operative monitoring of industrial enterprises’ internal environment // Automatization and management in technical systems. – 2012, № 1; URL: (application date: 09/09/2013).
3. Ostroukh A.V., Tiyan Uan Modern methods and approaches towards constructing systems of managing productive-technological activity of industrial enterprises //Automatization and management in technical systems. – 2012, № 1; URL: (application date: 09/09/2013).
4. Ostroukh A.V., Vaskovskiy A.M., Vetlugin M.M., Tiyan Uan Automatized system of controling condition of industrial gas-cleaning constructions // Industrial automized management systems and controllers. – 2013. – № 9. – Р. 15–20.
5. Ostroukh A.V., Vetlugin M.M., Koldashev K.S., Ryabkin A.L. Automatization of monitoring condition of industrial enterprises’ environment // Devices and systems. Management, control, diagnostics. – 2007. – № 2. – Р. 13–16.
The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Production management. Accounting, analysis, finance», Great Britain
(London), 19-26 October 2013, came to the editorial office оn 19.09.2013.
Библиографическая ссылка
Tian Yuan, Ostroukh A.V Monitoring environment condition of Chinese industrial enterprises // European Journal of Natural History. – 2013. – № 5. – С. 34-35;URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).