Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Tsygulyonok O.M. 1
1 Achinsk branch of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university

Increase in investment attractiveness of the Western region is one of the most important directions of social-economic development of the territory. Bodies of local self-government possess real abilities to influence investment climate of the territory significantly. An important direction of investment policy is marketing of the territory, in other words, improvement of its “invesment image” in the eyes of potential investors. The first step in territorial marketing is creation of an information field that is necessary to make an investor’s decision. As practice shows, the most efficient tool in this case is an investment passport – a complex informational bulletin that is designed for a specific audience – potential investors.

Soil-climate conditions of the Western area of Kranoyarsk region (Achinsk, Balakhtinsk, Biryulyusskiy, Bogotolskiy, Bolsheuluysliy, Kozulskiy, Nazarovskiy, Novoselovskiy, Tyukhtetskiy, Uzhurskiy, Shapyrovskiy district) provide for the development of agrarian sector: agriculture plays one of the leading parts in economic development of the area. Western area occupies the largest part of the region’s production of grain, milk, meat of cattle, pork: according to the data of 2007, the part of Western area equals 37,3 % of milk, 44,8 % of cattle meat, 67,1 % of pork production throughout the region.

Dairy cattle-breeding is mostly the agricultural specialization of the Western area.

Creation of investment passport will prove useful for all parties of the investment process in dairy cattle-breeding of the Western area of Krasnoyarsk region: initiators of investment projects will have an ability to learn an immediate state of investment infrastructure and existing requirements, estimate a potential of projects’ realization; investors will be able to receive complete information on modern state of dairy cattle-breeding and prospects of its development and also obtain a possibility to to study specific investment projects. At the same time, potential initiators pf projects – agricultural producers of goods can learn new efficient technologies of production, storage, procession of agricultural goods via studying an investment passport.

Besides, all participants of the investment process can use information on possible support of investment activity in dairy cattle-breeding by state authorities.

While realizing an investment process, we will operate with the following indexes of dairy cattle-breeding in the Western area of Krasnoyarsk region (Table).

Efficiency of investments into dairy cattle-breeding of the Western area of Krasnoyarsk region



According to realized investment projects

Total number of milking cattle, heads



Gross production of milk, thousand tons



Milking volume per a cow, kg per year



Output of calves per 100 mother-cows



Total investments

292,5 million rubles

However, these indexes are not a limit of all abilities of the Western area of Krasnoyarsk region.

Besides, in order to form a favourable investment climate in dairy cattle-breeding of the region, and, therefore, increase the investment attractiveness of the whole region, it is necessary to create certain preferences for potential investors to realize project on practice. It can be represented by proving privilege credits, “simplified” model of collecting documents for guarantees, wide implementation of privilege duties and delays, development of compensation agreements.

The work is submitted to International Scientific Conference «Fundamental research», Dominican Republic, April, 13-24, 2013, came to the editorial office 20.03.2013.

Библиографическая ссылка

Tsygulyonok O.M. FORMATION OF STATE INVESTMENT DAIRY CATTLE-BREEDING IN KRASNOYARSK REGION // European Journal of Natural History. – 2013. – № 3. – С. 24-24;
URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=33124 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024).

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