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European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301

Formation of the valuable relation of teenagers to the nature in establishments of additional education

Sukhova E.I., Zubenko N.Y.

The present stage of development of society, reorganization of all system of the public relations, sharpness of ecological situations demand the statement in public consciousness of a new paradigm according to which ecological education, as well as as a whole, education, should take the central place in activity of the educational institutions which conditions meet necessary requirements for development of an ekologo-world outlook and acquisition of experience of ekologosoobrazny activity.

At different stages of formation of ecological education and education their essence and the purposes were transformed depending on different approaches to these categories. Now the purposes of ecological education and education is formation of ecological consciousness, formation of ecological culture of the personality which integral line is the valuable relation to the nature.

Still in literature there is no unequivocal approach to category definition «the valuable relation to the nature» which we consider as the integrated quality of the personality including development of system of world outlook views, experience of ekologosozidatelny activity, system of the valuable ekokulturny and moral orientations causing formation of an ecological orientation of the personality, its relation to the sotsioprirodny environment.

The most sensitive period for formation of the valuable relation to the nature is the teenage age. Because that level of development of the valuable relation of the personality is connected with this period онтогенеза to the nature which allows it to function as the special system, making defining impact on an orientation of the personality, its active social position.

Intrinsic and substantial characteristics of the valuable relation of teenagers to the nature, it is represented to us to the important structural making being formed identity of teenagers. The valuable relation of teenagers to the nature includes cognitive, emotional потребностный and deyatelnostny components which reflect development of system of world outlook views, experience of ekologosozidatelny activity, system of the valuable ekokulturny and moral orientations causing formation of an ecological orientation of the identity of the teenager, his relation to the sotsioprirodny environment.

The pedagogical capacity of institutions of additional education in the course of formation of the valuable relation of teenagers to the nature is defined by their specifics, i.e. those features and conditions which are created for the organization of teaching and educational process.

A variety of types of establishments of additional education belongs to specific features of additional education. Here join as stationary establishments, as creativity Palaces, clubs and stations юннатов, gymnasiums and lyceums, the cultural and educational centers, and created on a certain interval of time summer improving camp, including the city.

Core of system of additional education is the circle as a result of which activity systematically, step by step, taking into account age features of teenagers process of formation of the valuable relation to the nature can be carried out. Feature of kruzhkovy work that teenagers choose activity in which are engaged in circles, teachers who are interesting to them, etc. Thus, establishments of additional education direct teenagers on harmony of relationship with the nature, the person, taking into account their interests, requirements, abilities.

Other important condition causing specifics of formation of the valuable relation of teenagers to the nature in establishments of additional education, the organization of purposeful communication with the nature is. Practical experience testifies that interaction with the nature amplifies if modern methods of education, such as are used: a method of projects and especially a method of educational bringing-up situations which promotes accumulation of personal experience of behavior and activity in the nature. For example, where and as, it is possible to plant a fire how to behave in extreme situations as it occurs directly in the nature. The educational effect amplifies at the sight of the littered sites, the destroyed ant hills, and on the contrary at the sight of well-planned platforms for the rest, the cleared reservoirs etc. Using similar situations in the educational purposes, teenagers have a conviction in expediency and need to live under other laws.

Other feature connected with purposeful formation of the valuable relation to the nature, is that all necessary conditions for acquisition of experience of adoption of ecologically competent decisions on the basis of the received knowledge and the developed abilities and according to the created valuable approaches and orientations are created.

One of the most important pedagogical conditions of efficiency of formation of the valuable relation of teenagers in establishments of additional education, is that the system of additional education offers invaluable advantages in achievement of the purposes of ecological education of that it represents to the tutor - to the teacher possibility to carry out an individual approach.

Preconditions are for this purpose put in principles of the organization of additional education. In circles, sections of an ecological orientation, come teenagers voluntary on own interest. But pupils are various on age, readiness, depth of interests to a subject, and also of the purposes which they thus put before themselves. A task of the tutor is development of interest of the teenager, satisfaction of his requirements for understanding of the nature, as unique value, living conditions on Earth.

Educational activity of establishments of additional education многопланова also is multipurpose, each of them has the specifics, but it always exists as interrelation of two subjects of teaching and educational process - the teacher and the teenager. Education process in additional education is unique that cooperation, coauthorship of the teenager and the teacher, their partnership gives rise to absolutely new relations, values which focus each teenager on formation of own ideas of and world around.

Therefore activity of teachers - tutors should be directed on disclosure of the updated potential of spiritual and moral values. Formation of the valuable relation to the nature in establishments of additional education assumes that the teenager has a frame of reference, principles, psychological installations at level of the imperatives creating a basis of awareness of need and the importance of ekologosoobrazny activity of the person.

Библиографическая ссылка

Sukhova E.I., Zubenko N.Y. Formation of the valuable relation of teenagers to the nature in establishments of additional education // European Journal of Natural History. – 2012. – № 3. – С. 30-31;
URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=30610 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024).

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