Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Chan Dyk Njan

In the opinion of many authors (A.V. Polustruev, 2002; A.V. Sherbakov, 2009; S.A. Kosenchuk, 2010; and others.), modern sport badminton is notable for the specific of approach to the train and competitive process, because the result depends on the whole complex of the components: technically tactical training, functional and psychological condition. Very important component of train process is accordance of physical load to the current functional condition. One of the most objective criterions of estimation of sportsmen´s current functional condition is showing, which displays the condition of mechanisms of vegetative regulation of cardiac activity.

For examination of sportsmen´s functional condition there becomes more and more popular the analysis of variability of heart rate (VHR), which is an integral showing of functional condition of cardiovascular system and organism in whole.

The aim of the research was xamination of some showings of variability of heart rate within young badminton players.

The research was carried out at the base of «Specialized Children and Youth School of Olympic Reserve №9», (Krasnodar) and specialized SCYSOR of Krasnodar krai in the city of Korenovsk and Dinskaya village, there were examined 35 badminton male players at the age of 17-21, who was qualified as master of sports. The analysis of variability of heart rate was carried out with the use of hardwarily program coplex «BHC-Spector» of «Neurosoft» firm (Russia, Ivanovo).

For the screening estimation the most informative are the showings of cardiointervalography by R.M. Baevski, 1988: Mo - mode, AMo - Amplitude of mode, VS - Variational swing, AQ - Average quadratic declination, IV - index of voltage.

As the results of carried out researches show the examined young badminton players are able to be divided by their vegetative status: with the presence of normotonia - 22, parasympathicotonia - 10, sympathicotonia - 3.

Received facts allow to take into consideration the degree of tension of central mechanisms of regulation of young sportsmen at the process of their adaptation to the changing invironment impact.


The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Priorities for Science, Technology and Innovation», Egypt (Sharm el-Sheikh), November, 20-27, 2011, came to the editorial office оn 23.11.2011.

Библиографическая ссылка

Chan Dyk Njan SOME SHOWINGS OF VARIABILITY OF HEART RATE WITHIN YOUNG BADMINTON PLAYERS // European Journal of Natural History. – 2011. – № 5. – С. 13-13;
URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=29433 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024).

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