Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Krasnoperova A.G.

The most important problem of the development of modern professional school is increasing quality preparation future specialists to mastering by labor experience and to searching for new.

For achievement of this purposes are executed actions, provided programs and plans occupation, and the condition of the spontaneous origin events, in which beside students are developing necessary each person professional and labor quality. These qualities continuously become complicated. So one of the most important tasks of a professional school is professional-labor socialization of students. The particularity to modern situation to professional socialization to personalities consists in that professional-labor socialization to personalities does not occur instinct, value to orientation teenager form on background their emotional insecurity because of realization of a someone else adult significant professional prospects. Many graduates of professional educational institutions feel the dissatisfaction by its preparedness to labor on professions and do not find itself place in production. The present production quickly develops, this conditions change the look profession, but curriculums, program, technologies and scholastic literature do not have time to their reflect. In connection with acceptance Bolonsk agreement in contents of the vocational training on the first plan is stood shaping main professional competency to personalities in process her professional-labor socialization. Turns on itself attention need person to develop this quality to personalities on length of whole lives.

Our research was executed within the framework of college with provision for event, occurring in the other component of the complex. In educational process of the college is realized joining the education with production labor. The questions to labor professional activity are considered and in scholastic, and in clubs´ activities and others functioning. Formed execution of professional information actions: study psychological particularities trained, development professional interest and inclinations in constructive-creative activity, shaping firm interest and attitudes. It was realized interaction of the pedagogical group, families and production enterprise consumer cooperatives.

We researched: social ambience, professional selection applicant, professional orientation applicant, psychological nature training, extension their professional consciousness, deepening the professional self-determination, professional adaptation, professional-labor socialization. It was studied and corrected development to motivations trained. Background of experience created the premises for development of the models professional-labor socialization.

On base of the analysis of literature is installed that on professional-labor proficiency personalities affect micro and macro factors. This influence is realized straight and is mediated through profession, labor tasks and facility of labor.

The following four stages of the process professional-labor socialization are chosen during their education and after completion of the high school: accumulation of the beliefs about branches and professions; joining to branch labor and professions; the mastering by branch (the profession, labor process and their relationship); the longing to top professional skill.

It is characterized theoretical and practical ensuring the development professional-labor socialization on each stage. The situation process professional-labor socialization to personalities (fig. 1) consists of readiness trained to action professional-labor socialization, readiness of a teacher and readiness of the facilities of the shaping proficiency of personalities. Readiness trained is defined by conditions of a society, production and need for proficiency of a professional; the current condition professional-labor proficiency of personalities; agitated these circumstance need, desires, motive; the influence upon motive by brought forth teacher to purposes; acceptance to current purpose professional-labor socialization. Readiness of a teacher consists of his pedagogical education, information about the current professional-labor proficiency trained, on base which he plans program action on developing professional-labor socialization trained, consisting of indication current proficiency characteristics and social actions.

Fig. 1. Logic of development is professional-labour социализованности in the course of a continuous professional training

Readiness of the facilities professional-labor socialization depends on skills trained to execute the planning ahead actions, instructions of the teacher on necessary actions and presence subject (the textbook, equipment and etc.), which must be used. In composition their must be provided: use theory, excitement identical emotion, and creation value orientation and determination communication between subject and object actions.

For forming or developments current professional-labor social quality, either as any other quality to personalities it is necessary to execute some necessary actions in the planned order. They can be presented in the form information handling in educational functional system.

The Educational functional system professional-labor socialization trained has following structure:

  • a consciousness of a teacher works out spurring parcel, initiating preparing trained to execution proficiency actions;
  • a consciousness trained, generating and performing actions, which form and develop the social characteristic to personalities. These actions have a many-sided nature, the sides are: comprehension of beliefs about manifestation of professions and labor in a society , transformation of the emotional sufferings component to professions and labor, comprehension value relations to component of professions and labor, comprehension (and execution or only comprehension) of the communication relations in professional and labor actions.

In executed transformation an object of the actions reveals itself his characteristic, which trained are adopted. In this is concluded appropriation of proficiency qualities.

But that educational situation possible was operative to create, necessary to execute the starting-up actions. These actions emerge in the following four groups.

  1. Work with the base of future students of the educational complex: studying their motivation, professional orientation, works with parents and school teachers. Preparation concludes the publishing advertisements of the complex.
  2. Methodical preparation training of a teacher of the educational complex to professional-labor socialization consists of professional preparation-labor including in theoretical material and in tasks for practical functioning; preparing the socialized tasks on forming an experienced person; designing the planned actions of indoors and outdoors studying of the functioning, in which are included components professional-labor socialization; planning the including trained in creative, scientific functioning, connected with professional-labor socialization.
  3. Educational-material provision of professional-labor socialization concludes: preparing the scholastic literature, scholastic laboratories, production areas, technical facilities and carriers to information; the equipping of the premises for working and places of the rest. All this creates the preparedness to shaping the collections of experienced professional-labor sides educational components.
  4. Using the current significant phenomena can be: determination of the relationships and preparing the meeting with veterans, masters on profile of the education; preparing the conditions for visit leading labor enterprises, action on honoring outstanding worker labor and others; the organization of the conditions for reception of significant information on profession in labor society.

In the process of the educational complex , including college, is realized teaching of scholastic discipline, coming from between different subjects´ relationships, with provision for nature and difficulties of discipline, with use the new forms of undertaking occupation. Coming from system model of valuables, going one in another, and real practical persons of the educational process of the college, we w expected that use super active forms of the education renders the essential influence upon system of valuables students of the college. For checking this was organized study. The Main methods of the study is choosing the method «Value orientation» by M. Rokich (M. Rokeach), which names the beliefs, diagnosed by means of method of the direct ranking, value [3].

On the first stage are formed experimental group (the sex, age, future profession book-keeping - 20 students) and checking group (the sex, age, future profession book-keeping and technologies - 54 students). Measured value respondents were analyzed by means of methods «System of valuables» M. Rokich.

On the second stage with respondents of the experimental group is organized experimental influence in the form active and super active forms of undertaking occupation: business plays, debates on production themes, discussion production situations, development internet projects on professional themes. But students of the checking group were trained on traditional forms. Value respondents are measured on the third stage by means of methods «System of valuables» by M. Rokich. From checking group is chosen subgroup respondents, equivalent experimental group on sex, age, professions by way of selection. The generalized results of the experiment are the following.

Such results of the comparison of the factors respondents´ experimental and checking groups before and after the experimental influence are measured by means of the methods «System of valuables» M. Rokich. Value «cognition (the possibility of the extension of its formation, outlook, the general culture, knowledge-based development)» in experimental group statistical significant (p < 0,03) increased (with 8 before 6 ranks), but in checking group statistical significant (p < 0,00) increased (with 12 before 11 ranks) (fig. 2). This has occurred, sooner whole, due to introduction to experimental group of such forms of the functioning as debates, brainstorms, business plays, discussion production situation.

Value «development (functioning on itself, constant physical and spiritual improvement)» in experimental group statistical significant (p < 0,01) increased (with 9 before 6 ranks), but in checking group statistical significant (p < 0,01) increased (with 12 before 11 ranks). Such result, sooner whole, became possible in experimental group due to education student with use Internet-resource, problem-solving education, and situational-functional approach. Value «responsibility (the feeling of the debt, skill to keep the word)» in experimental group statistical significant (p < 0,06) increased (with 10 before 7 ranks), but in checking group statistical significant (p > 0,05) were lowered (with 7 before 9 ranks). This has occurred, sooner whole whereas, meeting were organized in experimental group with outstanding workers, were discussed production situations, students were attracted to production subjects on future profession, publishing methodical allowance for students, to participation in project on professional themes. The Ranks of valuables student «beauty of the nature and art (the sufferings beautiful in nature and in art)», «amusements (pleasing, light pastime, absence of the duties)», «high requests (the high requirements to lives and high claims)» were lowered before low-level value, since for students more important become professional value, independent searching for answering in Internet, discussion production situations and activity in mastering to professional activity, way of the decision of the professional tasks.

Fig. 2

In the scientific research is motivated making the system a lyceum - a college - a high school for service of educational need to economic branch of the region on example consumer cooperatives.

In the research is presented mechanism of formation of educational complex´s students, including in educational process components, forming and developing labor and social qualities of a future professional. The Experiment has shown high efficiency of the designed process professional-labor socialization of students.


1. Rokich M. Methods «Value orientation» // Psychological tests / by A.A. Karelina. b.1. - M., 2000. - Р. 25-29.


The work is submitted to the Scientific International Conference «Innovative directions in Teacher Education», India (Goa), 16-27 February 2011, came to the editorial office on 05.01.2011.

Библиографическая ссылка

Krasnoperova A.G. PROFESSONALINO – LABOR SOCIALIZATION TO PERSONALITIES IN EDUCATIONAL COMPLEX // European Journal of Natural History. – 2011. – № 4. – С. 13-16;
URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=29233 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024).

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