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European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Present time is characterized by the broadening of various life and social activity areas´ informatization. The informatization spreads into both science and education, including all its stages. Under informatization nowadays we mean a complex of measures of the pedagogical processes transformation based on the introduction of informative products, means, and technologies into the upbringing and education. According to a number of scientists a penetration of new information technologies into education forces us to study the didactic process as in informative one, within which a student obtain information, process it and use.

The education informatization, according to Y.S. Branovskiy, should be studied not just as usage of the computer and other electronic means in education, but as a new approach to the education organization, science branch that is called pedagogical information science. The courses of information study, psychology, pedagogy, and quotient methods are, as points out Y.S. Branovskiy, the basis for the study of pedagogic information study. Within it the problems of computer didactics, pedagogic labor informatization, the implementation of informative environments for the common subjects learning, usage of informative study methods, informative training environments synthesis (multimedia), education systems that are based on multimedia approach, and the new education and training model creation tool are investigated. This model is based on the advancement of student to the construction of knowledge structures, the methods of electronic textbooks implementation.

Besides, Pedagogic information science is defined as a scientific-methodic direction that develops theoretical problems, methods, and technologies of informative provision an and pedagogic activity automatization in order to improve the pedagogic process, individualize and optimize it. On the whole, pedagogic information science studies the problems of interaction between education and information science, reveals trends and legislations of this interaction. Pedagogic information science forms on the joint of information science and a number of pedagogic sciences, it has its own conceptual apparatus, goals, methods etc [1].

An important factor of the education informatization is, according to Y.S. Branovskiy, information culture of a pedagogue, the tutors´ readiness to implement informative technologies in education. To solve this complicated problem personnel training to use new information technologies (NIT), formation of pedagogues´ information culture, including social-ecological education of the studied youth are required [1].

On the whole, nowadays in Russia the Education Informatization Concept has been developed. Its main points are: mastering and introduction of new information technologies into education, training and education management on basis of research work in dialectics, information science; formation of the information culture within scholars (information knowledge, computer and other electronic devices education skills, basic programming skills); shifts in content, methods, means, and forms of education in relation with the information technologies integration into the education process; tutors´ training for the implementation of electronic devices in education.

Outlining the special features of the modern Education Area Informatization Concept of Russian Federation V.A. Izvozchikova and I.V. Simonova rightfully draw our attention to the following points:

- the acknowledgement of high development potential of the information science and of its science status;

- the concept of subject information science area that corresponds to modern outlook;

- module concept of the studied subjective area in contrary to the discipline concept that has been used previously [2].

Authors outline that wide and deep education system informatization in our country is a result of the realization of ideas that have been provided not only in «The Concept of Education Area Informatization in Russian Federation» (1998), but also the accepted federal target program «Electronic Russia» that has been estimated for 2002-2010. These programmes imply irreversible development of the world level information technologies in Russia, first of all, in education.

According to a number of researchers, new information technologies in education include three components: technical devices, program applications, and educational provision. Important components of information technologies are programmes that manage the computer operations and those that attend to these operations. However, the main information technologies component from the position of dialectics is the educational provision. It is, in fact, a special class of programmes - education programmes, education systems that define and determine the process and the technology of the computer training.

All mentioned fully corresponds to the system of students´ education in the area of the natural environment, their preparation to the social-ecological upbringing of new generation. Thereby, we would like to say that nowadays all necessary conditions for it have been outlined and developed by us. First of them are the technical devices (computer technique). Modern education is characterized by a wide spread of personal computers, the appearance of new information techniques, usage of network technologies of full-time, extramural and distant education.

The next necessary condition is the program provision that is a specialized application pack, program products and computer components. Exactly these things provide for the formation of practical skills and information analysis practice, self-education in the information technologies area, stimulating the independent activity in the information process.

No less important condition is a specially-prepared educational provision. By today we have developed the following material for students, that are studied via information technologies: course programmes «Social-ecological scholars education», textbook «Pedagogical basis of social-ecological scholars education», tutor´s manual «Nature and ancient civilizations».

Besides, a version of electronic training course «social-ecological scholars education» has been developed and is being approved. It contains the following categories:

1. Social-ecological concepts in history of the philosophical thought

1.1. Philosophical roots of the idea of the nature and society interconnection (philosophical inheritance of the Ancient East nations on nature, society, their relations; philosophical inheritance of the Ancient Mediterranean nations on nature and society, their interaction and relations; social-ecological ideas in the philosophy of ancient Greeks; social-ecological ideas in the philosophy of ancient Romans).

1.2. The development of the ideas of nature and society interconnection in opinions of medieval thinkers (social-ecological ideas of the Easter nations philosophical thoughts (IX-XVII centuries); the development of the social-ecological ideas in the Western Europe nations philosophical thoughts (V-XVII centuries); social-ecological ideas in the period of the capitalistic relations origin; social-ecological concepts from the end of XVI century up to the end of XVIII century; social-ecological concepts from the end of XVIII century up to the end of XVX century).

1.3. Social-ecological ideas in Russia (the formation of social-ecological concepts in Russia (IX - the beginning of the XIX century: social-ecological ideas in the end of XIX-XX century).

2. Social-ecological ideas in the history of pedagogic thought.

2.1. Social-pedagogical ideas in the pedagogical inheritance of ancient nations (social-ecological ideas of the pedagogic thought of the Ancient East people; ancient pedagogic concepts on the natural impact upon a child development).

2.2. Upbringing value of nature in medieval foreign pedagogy (social-ecological ideas in pedagogic opinions of medieval thinkers in V-XVIII centuries; Social-ecological ideas in the ideas of pedagogues-thinkers of XIX-XX centuries).

2.3. Social-ecological ideas in Russian pedagogic thought (social-ecological concepts in Russian pedagogy of IX - XIX centuries; social-ecological concepts in Russian pedagogy of XX-XXI centuries).

3. Social-ecological scholar education.

3.1. The essence on value character of social-ecological school children education (the essence and general legislations of social-ecological school children education; value character of school children social-ecological education).

3.2. Values, goals and objectives of social-ecological school children education (axiological premises of the formation of social-ecological school children education).

3.3. Principles of the social-ecological school children education formation.

4. The content of school children social-ecological education.

4.1. The essence, criterions, sources, and selection principles of the social-ecological school children education content.

4.2. The peculiarities of social-ecological school children education content (content structure of social-ecological school children education; prognosis normative content realization).

5. Social-ecological school children education as a process: the essence, content, and peculiarities.

5.1. The essence and peculiarities of social-ecological schoolchildren education process.

5.2. The complicity of social-ecological school children education process.

5.3. The technology of social-ecological school children education process formation (on the basis of objective approach).

The course is finished by the test on all categories. The approval of the complex is carried out on foundation of Belgorod State University, particularly within the process of training geography, biology, and life safety tutors.

To sum up, we shall again outline the necessity and possibility of usage of information technologies within a higher education institution education process, and not only within the very process of professional training, but also of personnel training process, that will be able to solve social-ecological problems, establish harmonic relation with the natural environment, upbring new generation for an optimal interaction with nature.


  1. Brnovskiy Y.S. Introduction into the pedagogic information science. - Stavropol, 1995.
  2. Informology, information science, and education / Ed. by V.A. Izvozchikova and I.V. Simonova. - M., 2004.
  3. Shilova V.S. Social-ecological schoolchildren education: monograph. - M.-Belgorod, 1999.
  4. Shilova V.S. Pedagogic basis of social-ecological school children education. - Belgorod, 2003; 2010.
  5. Shilova V.S. Nature and ancient civilizations: student textbook. - Belgorod, 2003; 2010.

The work has been submitted for the international scientific conference «Innovative directions in pedagogic education», India (Goa), 16-27th of February 2011, came to the editorial office оn 16.01.2011.

Библиографическая ссылка

URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=28015 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024).

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