Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Panachev V.D.

Student´s life is very various. After ending studies the student has a free time, which is used for development of intellectual and physical abilities. A chair of physical culture of Perm State Polytechnical University together with sports club «Polytechnic» carry out the large sports-improving and mass work in our high school. The founders of the chair were the Honored worker of physical culture of Russia I.V. Pugachyov and the excellent worker of physical culture and sports N.N. Orlov. Now the chair has 44 highly skilled teachers, among which 7 senior lecturers, 2 Honored trainers of Russia. The effective work of the stuff is marked by assignment to 8 best teachers of a rank «Excellent of physical culture and sports»; 20 teachers have ranks of the judges of a national category on various kinds of sports. Sports club has deep traditions since 1960.

The elite of student´s sports is made by the champions of Olympic games deserved foremen of sports Vladimir Alikin (biathlon PSPU), Michael Devetyarov (ski races, PSPU), participants of Olympic games, foreman of sports of the international class Yrii Velikorodnii (PSPU, marathon race, Munich and Montreal), Alexander Nosov (PSPU, ski combination, Саpporo).

On celebrating 57 - anniversary of PSPU there have arrived the former graduates of high school becoming the chiefs of the enterprises, organizations. So, for example, the former governor of the Perm area, the minister of natural resources of Russìa development of intellectual and physical abilities. A chair of physical culture of Perm State Polytechnical University together with sports club «Polytechnic» carry out the large sports-improving and mass work in our high school. The founders of the chair were the Honored worker of physical culture of Russia I.V. Pugachyov and the excellent worker of physical culture and sports N.N. Orlov. Now the chair has 44 highly skilled teachers, among which 7 senior lecturers, 2 Honored trainers of Russia. The effective work of the stuff is marked by assignment to 8 best teachers of a rank «Excellent of physical culture and sports»; 20 teachers have ranks of the judges of a national category on various kinds of sports. Sports club has deep traditions since 1960.

The ere used. The technique of questionnaire as a sort of sociological research included two parts: interview and questionnaire, carried out in parallel. 686 students of various faculties of high schools of the Perm area and cadets of military institutes were interrogated. As a list of questions the developed questionnaire was used.

The results of questionnaire have shown, that the majority 85 % of the students were engaged or are engaged in sports (87 % of the young men and 82 % of the girl). 95 % of the respondents positively concern to sports (96 % of the young men and 93 % of the girl). And many - 35 % (27 % of the young men and 48 % of the girl) would like to be engaged in swimming, if there were suitable conditions. The popularity of swimming is explained by the increased interest of the majority of the students to this kind of sports, as there are a lot of rivers, lakes and ponds in the Perm region, and it is not enough of swimming pools, especially in high schools. The popularity of such kinds of sports, as aerobics, the sports games, tourism is very high. Having entered the high school, the young people usually stop to be engaged in sports actively. Only 16 % (20 % of the young men and 11 % of the girl) respondents are engaged in sports «of maximum achievement» at the international, regional and city levels. Now for improving of health the students are engaged in physical culture and sports actively enough. The negative attitude to drugs - 68 %, and to smoking - 63 % is observed. Occasionally use spirits drinks 58 % of the students. Probably, it is necessary in this age in high schools to strengthen propagation of sports style, healthy image of life.

During the carried out research was revealed, that the majority interrogated 46 % (49 % and 41 % accordingly) positively appreciate the quality of training on physical culture. They are satisfied on the whole with the form of training, the contents, except for discrepancy of sports base of high schools to the modern requirements.

The financial position of the students practically completely depends on the parents and relatives - 87 %. On one grant manage to survive in our difficult time 12 % of the respondents. The part of the students earns additionally - 24 %. The future occupation for the majority of the students is connected with Highly paid work - 65 %. Only 6 % (7 and 4 %) of respondents could be trainers.

In the future occupation the most students consider different factors: high earnings, pleasure from work, opportunity to travel, high prestige, opportunity to open the business - 45 %.

The sociological analysis has shown, that the students of high schools of Perm area mainly conduct a healthy image of life, are engaged in sports, try to improve their health, do not use the drugs, but do not have enough rest and, irrationally use the leisure.

Chairs of physical culture, sociology and politology of PSTU during 1998-2010 have carried out a common sociological research. The urgency of the given research approves that more than 60 % of the students of humanitarian faculty is released from training in the basic group on physical culture. In special medical group are engaged the majority of the economists, politologists of faculty.

According to the data of sociological research the students before entering PSTU were engaged in sports; 85 % and now would like to be engaged in swimming; 35 % - in aerobics, tourism, sports games. Unfortunately, in educational time it cannot be made, it is a pity but there is no a swimming pool at the university and the coming years its construction is not planned.

For increase of motivation of the students on chair of physical culture is developed a pedagogical methodical complex on discipline «Physical culture». More perfect working educational program for special medical group was prepared considering individual program on each group of diseases, condition of health of the students.

The complex tests on special physical preparation are developed. They enable to develop the correct recommendations to the students on correction of a functional condition and development of the professionally important qualities during study and to form a healthy image and style of life.

These measures allowed increasing motivation to be engaged by physical culture, which is objectively expressed by the data of sociological research.

The work was submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Science and education in contemporary Russia», Moscow, November 15-18,2010. Came to the editorial office on 13.11.2010.

Библиографическая ссылка

Panachev V.D. IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF SOCIAL MANAGEMENT IN SPORT-IMPROVING AND MASS WORK OF HIGH SCHOOL // European Journal of Natural History. – 2011. – № 2. – С. 65-66;
URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=21318 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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