Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Tsymbal M.V., Yushkevich L.С.

Development nanosciences and nanotechnologies has come nearer to a stage connected with necessity of their wide application in all branches of a national economy., the analysis of modern lines of introduction of new building technologies and materials in economically developed countries of the world allows to assert that materials and the technologies received on the basis of achievements and workings out in area nanotechnologies become a basis of dynamical introduction in practice the next 10-20 years. Under forecasts of scientists-economists, by 2017 the market volume нанотехнологий in universal industrial production can exceed 1 bln. euro.

The most perspective nanotechnologies, suitable for manufacture of building materials are: activation (structurization) of water; crushing of initial materials and raw materials; manufacturing the nanodisperse armatures; using various nanomodifiers.

Nanomodifiers - these are additives, for strengthening of those or other physical and chemical properties building nanomaterials, allowing not only to lower quantity of used building materials, but also to raise thus their technological and operational characteristics, for example durability, reliability, peremiality.

The most widespread nanomodifiers are fullerenes, astralens, fulleroids, single-layered and multilayered carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles etc.

However, except brilliant technological, economic and operational characteristics nanomaterials possess the complex of physical, chemical properties and biological action, which are caused by increases the chemical potential substances on interphase border of high curvature, the big specific surface, high adsorbzion and heatsink ability. It all conducts to accumulation nanomaterials in vegetative, animal organisms, and also microorganisms, transfer on a food chain that, thereby, increases their receipt in a human body. The review of the literary data, has shown (only 2% of the published researches problems of risks for health and environment from outside products of daily demand) concern that for today practically are absent or the authentic data concerning influence nanomaterials and nanoparticles on genotoksichnost, the hormonal and immune status, teratogennost, embriotoksichnoct, mutagennost and carcinogenicity is inaccessible.

In table 1 


The Ecological characteristic


Is harmless at observance of safety rules


It is harmless at observance of safety rules


It is safely at observance of service regulations


It is safely at observance of service regulations

First coat

It is unsafe

Nanofirst coat

It is less ecologically dangerous


It is safe


It is safe

Glue (gel)

It is unsafe


It is less ecologically dangerous


It is unsafe


It is less ecologically dangerous


It is unsafe


It is unsafe


It is ecologically dangerous


It is safe

In table 1, the results of the analysis of ecological characteristics of building materials and nanomaterials. The basis of accessible information sources are presented. The comparative analysis of ecological characteristics of building materials and nanomaterials.

Though for today the scope nanotechnologies in building is not wide enough, nevertheless, using nanoconcrete, nanopaint etc., does building materials more effective, according to the destination. However it is obviously, that some building nanomaterials can represent the dager for people´s and for environment. In this connection it is necessary to establish a duty for manufacturers to inform on presence nanomodificats in the building materials and to forbid use defined nanomaterials which danger exceeds their advantage.


  1. [An electronic resource]. - an access Mode.- http://www.membrana.ru
  2. [An electronic resource]. - an access Mode.- http://www.miracle-uni.ru
  3. [An electronic resource]. - an access Mode.- http://www.rusnanoforum.ru
  4. [An electronic resource]. - an access Mode.- http://www.nanowar.ru
  5. [An electronic resource]. - an access Mode.- http://www.nanojoumal.ru
  6. [An electronic resource]. - an access Mode.- http://www.nanonewsnet.ru
  7. Georgievsky institute of technology (branch) of GOU VPO «The North Caucasian state technical university», 2009. - 277 with. ISBN 978-5-903 132-19-5 «Present environmental problems in building» Materials of II International correspondence scientifically-practical conference? Pressing questions technical, economic, the humanities, Georgievsk 2009, with 45-49
  8. Tsymbal M.V. Svidetelstvo about the state registration of a database №2010620186, from March, 12th, 2010 year «Multimedia lectures on Bases нанотехнологий». Section «Nanostrukturnye materials»
  9. Tsymbal M.V., Yushkevich L.S. Svidetelstvo about the state registration of a database №2010620298, from August, 20th, 2010 year Multimedia lectures on Bases нанотехнологий. Section «Нанотехнологии in building»

The work was submitted for the international scientific conference «Science and education in modern Russia», (Moscow), 15-18 November 2010, came to the editorial office on 07.10.2010

Библиографическая ссылка

Tsymbal M.V., Yushkevich L.С. TO THE QUESTION ON THE ECOLOGICAL SAFETY NANOMATERIALS , APPLIED IN BUILDING // European Journal of Natural History. – 2010. – № 6. – С. 50-51;
URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=21099 (дата обращения: 21.09.2024).

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