Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


In the last years, the investigations´ much attention is being given to the developing space challenge in the education, having introduced into the scientific turn of the speech comparatively recently. This phenomenon investigation is practically being continued in the several directions at present: the developing space is being considered, as the pedagogical category (e.g. Novikova L.E. Gavrilin A.V., Andreeva V.V.) and, as the child person development condition (e.g. Selivanova N.L.). «The childhood space» (E.D. Demakova), «the teenager school existence everyday life developing space» (D.V. Grigorjev); the kindergarten developing space (Kabanova E.V.), and the class (Perova V.E.) phenomena have been described.

Such notion, as «the school developing medium» is also being described rather in detail in the literature. The address to the medium study has been aroused by the attention to the social development process and the personality formation, which, as S.A. Belicheva considers, is not added up only to the family, the school, and the other educational Institutes well - directed efforts. The «medium» notion is being defined, as the social and the living conditions, the setting, and also the people totality, having connected by all these conditions community (e.g. S.E. Ozhegov). Thus, having considered the medium, it is quite possible to speak on, that the human personality development is appeared, as the interaction result with it.

M.E. Mazur has given such kind of the definition, having comprehended the subject´s immediate surrounding under the developing medium, in the interaction with which he is being formed and is revealed his characteristics and the specific features.

So, the developing space, by the V.A. Sitarov´s definition, is presented, as the multilevel, the hierarchically ready - built space, having purposefully organized the human personality development, by means of the natural, the social, the pedagogical and the personality resources activization of the natural environment, the socium or the society, and the man, that is being expressed in the relations, the social roles and the activity new types mastering change and the further reformation.

Having investigated this challenge, a number of the scientists and the scholars (e.g. F.N. Gonobolin, V.A. Sitarov, M. Lukyanova, E. Pufal - Struzik and etc.) have already drawn their conclusion on the fact, that «the developing space» and «the developing medium» of the school notions - are the completely identical ones and the same.

If to compare the school developing space with the similar notions, then the educational space in the education system is being considered, as the educational system component, having provided the child personality development and the self - development successfulness, by means of the various activity, the communities creation, the favorable atmosphere, the self - government, having promoted the schoolchildren mental activity successful development (e.g. Karakovsky V.A., Novikova L.E., Rozhkov M.E., Selivanova N.L., Sergeeva V.P., Sozonov V.P., Stepanov E.N.).

The developing medium (e.g. the developing space) of the educational Institution is being defined the junior schoolchildren mental education process, and, for all this, the conditions for the teachers´ professionalism and their competence development, their pedagogical and the educational culture in the field of the junior forms and the grades schoolchildren mental and the intellectual development are being taken into the consideration.

The school developing medium - this is the creative pedagogical communication and the pedagogical influence sphere, having promoted with the junior schoolchildren all - round and the harmonious development and the mental and their intellectual abilities (N.Yu. Postalyuk, and et al.).

The school developing medium is being aimed at the schoolchildren harmonious development and the mental and the intellectual abilities self - development provision at the in - curricular and the extra - curricular time. It is being taken into consideration the children self - education factor, but they are not found themselves directly under the teachers´ influence (e.g. the circles by their interests, the informative and the educational excursions and etc.).

A.N. Tubelsky practically uses the «developing space style and the setup» specific notion, under which he comprehends such all elements self - organization of the teaching and the educational process, which is set up the regularities, the style, the peculiarities and the specific features of the schoolchildren all - round intellectual development organization, at the developing space consideration.

There is one more the «developing space» notion - that is, the environmental conditions, the setting, having pedagogically characterized the favorable or non - favorable medium´s creation for the schoolchildren mental and the intellectual development (e.g. Trinitantskaya O.G.).

Exactly, the pedagogical influence aspect, as the causal process of the school developing space formation and the personality in it, is the essential difference from the other authors´ definitions, not having included this aspect into the developing space notion (e.g. N.B. Krylov, E.A. Alexandrova, and et al.). If the school developing space to be considered, as the main conditions, which are quite necessary for the personality intellectual abilities development, then the developing conditions are being considered, as the purposeful selection result, the elements, the content, the methods construction and their application of the education (e.g. the upbringing, and the teaching, and the training) organizing and the communicative forms for the pedagogical targets achievement in the science.

So, the teachers define the school premises reorganization tasks, the teaching and the educational activity organization in the schoolchildren forms and the grades, and also the curriculums, the study, and the training programs´ and the plans´ transformation and the reorganization on the diversity, the variability, and the alternativeness principles, in accordance with the school educational activity analysis in the school developing space. It is being given the possibility to the teachers to increase the activity effectiveness, having directed at the schoolchildren intellectual level rise, as the senior, well as the junior forms and the grades under the comprehensive secondary school conditions.

The school developing space is being presented the components integral, dynamical system - the axiological, the basic, the generating - functionally and the practical - objectively ones, - having found in the defined and the specified hierarchical dependence. The educational organization developing space is being formed in the process of the humanistic ideas and the valuables provision, having perceived in the given pedagogical community and having taken into consideration the schoolchildren´s parents interests, the needs, and the demands.

The developing space value component is axiologically conditioned its basic components, having interacted with each other. The contemporary school and the developing space its creation is much significant the conditions complex: the psychological, the material and the social ones, having provided the schoolchildren mental and the intellectual development process for the teaching and the training tasks realization.

The school developing space is being formed by the educational system subjects in the process of their interaction, having influenced, in their turn, upon their own further development. The methods diversity and the work technologies have been chosen by the teachers´ staff, in accordance with their individual peculiarities and the specific features, the targets and the tasks of the educational process, and also the schoolchildren peculiarities and the specific features. The orientation for the pedagogical activity and the work forms content renewal, the intention drive to the perfection of their vocational and personality qualities and the abilities, having based on the pedagogical ideas, are being defined the further development process of the school developing medium.

The school developing space formation process is being formed from the two stages. The innovation team is being formed; the model, the project, and the specific actions program are being developed; the school staff challenges are being revealed at the seminars and meetings; the activity correction is being made, by means of the participation in the projects at the first stage. The school developing space proper development is being carried out, by means of the various specialists´ and the experts´ activity organization on the basis of the developed mechanisms at the second stage.

The formation technology and the school developing space development is being proceeded from the logics of its essential structural components the series connection into the pedagogical process subjects interaction process. It is being connected in itself together the two private and the particular technologies, and exactly: the school developing medium formation process organization (e.g. the developing medium development start - up procedure, its designing) and also its functioning process provision (e.g. the mechanisms, the development ways).

The school developing space comprehension, as the conditions totality, having promoted the child personality successful development and the self - development, the schoolchildren mental and the intellectual development level rise, is being proved the introduction necessity into the school practice of the obligatory its designing, that will be able to be reflected in «The School Educational Program» and «The Educational Organization Development Program».


  1. Lukyanova M. The Schoolchildren Thinking Development in the Teaching Process // "The Teacher", 2001, № 1, p.р. 8 - 14;
  2. Seliverstova E.N. The Teaching Developing Function: the Contemporary Didactic View
    // The Pedagogics, 2006, №4, p.p. 45 - 52;
  3. Ivoshina T.G. How the School Developing Educational Space to Be Organized.// The School Administration, 2001, №12, p.p. 4 - 5;
  4. Pufal-Struzik E. The Schoolchildren Abilities Development Possibilities under the School Conditions. // The Best Pages of the Pedagogical Press, 2001, № 6, p.p. 83-87.

The paper has been presented for the «Fundamental and Applied Researches. The Education, Economy and Law» International Scientific Conference, Italy (Rome, Florence), September, 6-13, 2009. Recieved by the editorship on 29.06.2009.

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URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=21022 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024).

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