The environmental aspect is becoming the one of the current interest in present-day economic environment. In the world´s practice the strategic point is taken by the structural economic adjustment stimulation on the basis of maintenance of environment, ecological balance support, when, together with production potential modernization of traditional branches most recent branches rapid growth inclusive of economic agents´ advanced interests is motivated for sustainable ecological production.
In connection with this, the negative trends overcoming in economics and social sphere, and also the ecological balance maintenance, can be guaranteed on the ground of creation adequate to the situation conditions of economic growth on the basis of advanced interests of economic agents in the perspective of environmental economics development. In this case, the conversion of the economics into a qualitatively other state will let, on the basis of economic growth and ecological aspect, overcome the all levels reproduction cycles systemic changes, that will render an adverse effect on the formation of cleared conditions of perspective economic growth and maintenance of environmental quality.
In this connection the consideration of present-day environmental economics approaches, strategies and methods for taking environmentally sound managerial decisions and providing a sustained development in the longer term becomes of current interest.
It is necessary to introduce modern methods and mechanisms of sustained development principles realization into science and practice; the emphasis should be made on the problems of social, and particularly, economical and natural sciences integration.
The ecological-economical systems soundness problems are becoming topical as a result of business functions of economic agents in the longer term, such as biological diversity decrease, sensibilities of the human being in front of global changes including climate reversal, problems of natural resources use (water, land, forest, useful minerals, recreational resources, and others) in all geographical latitudes and institutional levels.
In the age of economics globalization, the consideration of the international, national and multi-disciplinary aspects while working out the economic growth, economic growth quality maintenance and environmental conservation strategies will help solve the existing problems, bridging over geographical boundaries and the bounds of science disciplines as well.
Special attention should be paid to international and regional ecological-and-economical problems, the development of advanced methodological approaches of environmental economics, problems of harmonization of business interests and maintenance of environmental quality, interaction of all the concerned (employers, control and environmental bodies, human population, society and others) in the context of sustained development, and also the role of information technologies and modeling in ecological-and-economical management in terms of advanced economic interests.
In this respect the formation of developed exchange relations in Russian economics is largely associated with the solution of the efficient management problem by environmental economics transformations in the aspect of coordination and realization of its agents´ interests in the long term.
The article is admitted to the International Scientific Conference «Prior directions of science development"; USA (New York, Washington, Miami, Las-Vegas, Los-Andzheles), October 26 - November 10, 2007; came to the editorial office on 29.06.07
Библиографическая ссылка
Rasteriaeva T.V. ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS IN TERMS OF ADVANCED ECONOMIC INTERESTS // European Journal of Natural History. – 2007. – № 5. – С. 80-81;URL: (дата обращения: 25.11.2024).