Научный журнал
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Kosykh N.E., Posvalyuk N.E, Savin S.Z.
Problem health of submelting generation of representatives aborigenos an Priamurye can not be a speech by only power of organs of public health. Necessary whole system of state and interstate measures: political, economic, social - for optimization a physician-social help to the child population and conservation of wake Russian society, its strategic power, qualitative reproducing a population. So as a whole, in spite of the general negative trends, narcological situation in Priamurye possible consider controlled. However at the evaluation of general demographic situations in the region were reveal following main factors of shortenning reproduction of population: falls birth rate beside women in the most favorable reproductive ages (25-29 years); negative demographic future is mortgaged in modern age-sexual to the structure a population; increases an average mother age; change reproductive behavior; falls an age threshold of bad habits, including consumption of drugs (from 7-8 years); worsenned condition of surround ambience. In contrast with population census of 1989 year number of population of edge is reduce on 162,3 th.p. (on 10,2%). Specific weight of population of senior able-bodied age in the Priamurye an edge for a period 1989-2002 years is enlarge on 30,2%. Worry causes a correlation of rates of shortenning a number of persons of younger age group in the comparison with growth rates of persons of senior able-bodied age. The number first is reduce on 39,3% (on Russian Far East on 40,9%), but increase on 23,5% (in region on 24,8%). Consequences of such demographic development will negative tell on reproduction functions of population and ensuring an economy of region by the labour in the necessary volume. One of the most important problems of demographic wellfare of Russian Priamurye is a preventive maintenance, early diagnostics and analysis of reasons of spreading is social significant diseases. Our interdisciplinary studies be indicative of presence of close-fitting intercoupling between different ethnics and socio-cultural features, clinical structure, track record variety of psychic frustrations, is criminal-addiction behavior and drug crimes amongst populations of edge on the medical-ecological areas. With such positions is justified all-round consideration of problems of modern population epidemiological analysis, right choice of research priorities, well-marked a realizing an occur change of vectors and directions in the social, medical science and demographic practice. Development of ethnocultural aspects human population epidemiology carries in itself not only important theoretical stimulus, connected with the crystallization of biosocial paradigm, as well as powerful demographic and sociotherapeutic preventive charge. Supported by The Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund, grant №06-06-00410а.

The article is admitted to the International Scientific Conference « Practisinging physician », Italy, g.Rimini, 2006, September 9-16.; came to the editorial office on 12.01.07

Библиографическая ссылка

Kosykh N.E., Posvalyuk N.E, Savin S.Z. NARCODEMOGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS OF PRIAMURYE // European Journal of Natural History. – 2007. – № 2. – С. 56-57;
URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=20340 (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

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