Scientists´ attention is being increasingly focused on the issue of vascular membrane condition in arterial hypertension (AH), with a view to preventing vascular diseases. Consequently, research in this field is currently a topical issue. Since noninvasive methods have been developed, a number of studies came to rather contradictory results on arterial elasticity in AH.
The aim of this research was to assess arterial elasticity during AH development, with the aim of early detection of vascular remodeling.
We examined 56 men, aged 38,7 ± 2,6. The 1st group consisted of 17 persons with high normal blood pressure - prehypertension, the 2nd group counted 24 patents with essential stage 1 hypertension, who did not receive any antihypertensive therapy. A control group included 15 healthy young men of the same age. The vascular elasticity was measured by the pulse wave velocity (PWV) method, using sphygmograph appliance «Polispektr-12» (Company «Neurosoft», Ivanovo). The data were statistically treated by the methods of descriptive statistics and software program «Statistica 6.0».
The research results showed a reliable increase of PWV for both muscular and elastic arteries in the study groups. Elasticity in the muscular arteries changed more intensively. For example, in the 1st group the muscular PWV doubled, in the 2nd group - increased by 36% (р<0,05) in comparison with the control group. PWV in the elastic arteries also rose, according to the hypertension stage: elastic PWV increased by 22% in the 1st group and by 24% (р<0,05) in the 2nd group. Expected unfavorable increase of the elastic PWV by more than 12 mps, which is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, was found at 9% of the patients: 1 person in the 1st group and 4 men in the 2nd group.
To sum up, signs of arterial remodeling appear at the prehypertension stage and 1 stage arterial hypertension. Measuring PWV at early stages of AH let detect a risk group in the population as early as possible.
The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Present-day problems of experimental and clinical medicine», Thailand - Cambodia, February 18-28, 2009. Came to the editorial office on 19.01.2009.
Библиографическая ссылка
Mineyeva E.E., Gvozdenko T.A. EARLY DETECTION OF ARTERIAL REMODELING IN ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION // European Journal of Natural History. – 2009. – № 3. – С. 59-59;URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).