Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Fokina D.A. 1
1 Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev

Non-financial instruments of the state support to develop the export potential of enterprises – are tools that have an impact on the development of enterprises – exporters not directly, but indirectly, through what any other instruments. State should pay particular attention to the tools of non-financial support from the fact that these tools are not contrary to accepted into the WTO ways to support exporters.

The variety of non-financial instruments to support exporters at the state level is shown in Table – performers are listed for each type of instruments, as well as specified methods of interaction with exporters. Among the instruments of government non-financial support for the development of export potential of a tool such as infrastructure development non-financial support of export-oriented enterprises, through which the state provides engineering company, plans to export its products, non-financial support for the organization of export deliveries.

In Krasnoyarsk Region in 1997 was founded JSC “Krasnoyarsk Regional Agency for Small and Medium Business Support”, according to the Civil code of the Russian Federation and the Federal law “About joint-stock companies” and the foundation agreement of June 1, 1997. Krasnoyarsk Region, represented by Agency on management of the state property across Krasnoyarsk Region, is the Only shareholder of JSC Krasnoyarsk Regional Agency for Small and Medium Business Support, possess 100 % of share holding in authorized capital.

JSC “Krasnoyarsk Regional Agency for Small and Medium Business Support” conducts the activity since May, 2009.

The main activities of the Agency are:

● financial support within “Micro financing” state program;

● providing guarantees for credit receivers in credit institutions according to the Guarantee program;

● consultation on questions about business methods;

● trainings for businessmen within a course of financial literacy «Begin and improve the business».

For non-financial instruments to support the export potential of machine-building enterprises include activities under the various programs at the regional level.

Non-financial instruments to support exporters

State support


Non-financial instruments of the support

The information and consultation of exporters

● Trade missions of Russia in foreign countries

● Coordination Centers to support export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises

● European Information Correspondent Center

● Identify business missions Ministry of Economic Development

● Establishment of an intergovernmental commission on cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign countries

● Conduct summits and councils with foreign partners

● Research of foreign markets;

● Provision of legal, financial and logistical issues

Assistance in organizing exhibitions fairs forums

● Coordination Centers to support export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises

● Trade missions of Russia in foreign countries

● Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation

● Russian Union of Entrepreneurs

● Russian Venture Company

● Preparation and implementation of projects of passports

● Support for the exhibition activity

● Preparation of information about enterprises of Krasnoyarsk region for potential partners;

● Preparation and publication of information about exporters in international databases

Reducing barriers for exports

● Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation

● Trade missions of Russia in foreign countries

● Russian Union of Entrepreneurs

● Improve access to goods and services to foreign markets

● Simplification of customs procedures and formalities

● Elimination of administrative barriers

For example, in the Krasnoyarsk region has a program “road map” Support access to foreign markets and “export promotion”.

The program is designed to ensure the promotion of export production enterprises of the region to foreign markets, the formation of the competitive environment, active entrepreneurs, exporters, as well as the formation of the institutional environment for the competitive conditions of enterprises in the global market.

Among the instruments of state support aimed at developing the export potential of engineering, you can select a tool, the granting of tariff preferences to Russian exporters. The system of tariff preferences operates under the general system of preferences of the United Nations. Granting of tariff preferences is a tool aimed at reducing the overall cost exporters of goods to foreign countries.

Russian Federation, in accordance with the classification of the United Nations, included in the list of countries in transition (transitive) model of the economy, so the Russian exporters may qualify for more favorable treatment to import their products, rather than RNB.

Preferential treatment of imports of goods provided by developed countries on a unilateral non-reciprocal order of the Russian Federation and is not contrary to WTO rules and disciplines.

There are Government programs to create and develop economic cooperation, developed with the participation of the intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation with foreign countries. As part of the Commission to establish committees and working groups, which play an important role in the development of bilateral cooperation between Russia and foreign countries, aimed at obtaining mutual interest. Intergovernmental committees are established for effective interaction between business and the state at the international level. The main goal of each program – the creation of favorable conditions for the development of foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation, assistance to Russian entrepreneurs in collaboration with foreign partners.

The European Union and the Russian Federation signed an “Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation”, which is a program of cooperation aimed at the implementation of economic and social transformation. One tool is the organization of industrial cooperation among countries at the international level, contributing to the deepening of industrial cooperation and the formation of a coherent conceptual approaches to industrial policy.

In the Eurasian Union in the framework of this area signed the decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council “On the main directions of coordination of national industrial policy”. This decision is the legal basis for the formation of industrial cooperation in key areas.

Non-financial instruments of government regulation relate to the environment, provision does not depend on the opinions of business leaders. However, using this tool does not contradict the block with WTO rules, and hence can be used by enterprises without any restrictions. As a rule, non-financial instruments of state support are advisory in nature, the company cannot use them at all.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Modern problems of science and education», Russia (Moscow), February, 10–12, 2015, came to the editorial office оn 15.01.2015.