Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Abdullaeva S.H. 1
1 Namanganskiy government state university
1390 KB
Given article is dedicated to problem to emotional stability due to, which person capable to save capacity to work and successfully realize its professional activity, expecting skill to control their own emotional conditions. Efficient decision by process of the shaping to emotional stability of the future teacher of the professional education in high the educational university is a realization to concepts larval developing formation, in the course of which teacher aims the student at самопознание, active using the diagnostic methods for study of its personalities, their analysis and interpretation; creates happy circumstances for larval difficulties, increasing of the self-verification, emotional stability of the
emotional stability
professional activity
diagnostic methods

Its path changes in condition postindustrial society high professional-pedagogical formation due to introduction new pedagogical technology. Preparing the future bachelor of the professional education in modern the educational institutions reflects the actual trends to modernizations of the formation and targeted competency on shaping as the main result of the mastering the educational programs. Competent approach in training of the teacher is oriented on provision of success of the graduate in situations modern society and dynamic market of the labor.

One of the most important professional significant quality of the bachelor of the professional education, which promotes to adaptation and success in professions, conservation of psychological health and stabilities of the emotional condition at realization professional-pedagogical activity, allowing prevent the development of the syndrome of the emotional burning-out and deformation to personalities emerges emotional stability.

The Problem to emotional stability is one of the most complex and actual in modern science. The Analysis psycho-pedagogical literature on given problem shows that opinions of the researchers in determination of the notion to emotional stability carry the conflicting nature.

The Row of the researchers, studying governed problem, interface emotional stability with manifestation volitional quality to personalities, ability consciously to control the appearing emotion (V.L. Marischuk, K.K. Platonov, E.A. Mileryan and others.). So, for instance, YU.N. Kulyutkin, G.S. Suhobskaya consider that EU reveals itself in that, insofar patient and insistent is a teacher at realization their own замыслов, insofar typical of it endurance and self-confident-control in disadvantage, stressful situation, insofar he will die to keep itself in hand in condition negative emotional influence on the part of the other people [4].

The Second direction in determination of essence to emotional stability is realized in functioning L.M. Abolina, P.B. Zilibermana and row other scientist. The Researchers suppose that characteristic of the nervous system influence upon manifestation of emotional stability, but completely do not predestine her. Emotional stability, upon their opinion, by quality to personalities, determined by combination of the psychological particularities to personalities, which provide success to activity in tense emotional situation [1;3]. Emotional stability, on the one hand,- result of the holistic functional system emotional tense and simultaneously productive activity, with other – a system quality to personalities, gained by individual and revealing beside it in unity emotional, knowledge-based, volitional and the other relations, in which he is involved in condition of tense activity.

Emotional stability analyses L.M. Mitina, and characterize her as ability, which helps to withstand life and professional difficulty without loss of the psychological balance, revealing in complacency by life and professional activity, in absence of the aptitudes to long sufferings negative emotion. The Combination to emotional stability and emotional expression forms such integral feature of the teacher, as emotional flexibility [8].

In the opinion of V.E. CHudnovskogo, any studies to stability in significant measure are connected with psychological stability of the personalities. The Researcher in comprehension of stability to personalities selects two interconnected aspects.

1. Stability to personalities as ability of the person to conservation their own individual position and opposition influence, discordant his larval installation. In this case stability to personalities is conditioned by degree degradability her leading motive and installation – a defensive moment in terminology V.E. CHudnovskogo.

2. Stability to personalities as ability of the person to personify in reality to their own larval positions, converting circumstance and own behavior – an offensive moment [12].

In allowance G.S. Nikiforova is shown influence to psychological stability to personalities on her(its) labor activity, on reliability of the workman and, back, influence to successful professional activity on sufferings self-realization, complacency by life and stability to personalities [9].

In spite of ambiguity approach to under discussion notion the general in all considered determinations is that emotional stability is presented as quality to personalities, due to which person capable to save capacity to work and successfully, stable to realize activity in condition dynamic situation and different influence [10]. The Collation and analysis different standpoint on cause of the determination given notions allow to draw a conclusion about that that emotional stability is by quality to personalities, which is characterized by optimum combination psychophysiological, emotional, volitional and other psychological particularities, in complex preventing origin to emotional tension, professional activity.

Emotional stability of the teacher is a complex system formation, which possible consider as syntheses characteristic and quality to personalities, which allows in complex emotional condition certain and by itself execute its professional activity, expecting skill to control their own emotional conditions, adding him constructive, rather than destructive nature[11]. Emotional stability is realized as emotional maturity and even temper, ability of the person to withstand the miscellaneous of the sort life difficulty without loss of the psychological adaptation.

Emotional stability of the bachelor of the professional education we interpreted as quality to personalities, characterized ability of the teacher to identical and flexible reaction on essential change internal and external factor, of the skills stability, stability in professional-pedagogical activity.

The Efficient decision of the problem of the shaping to emotional stability of the future bachelor of the professional education in top the educational institutions introduces us realizable in riverbed of the concepts larval developing formation, under development E.F. Zeerom[2], leading value which are proclaimed universal larval to abilities: selectivity but semantic directivity is concluded in development and subject of the formation in process of their interaction and cooperation. Accordingly, are transformed target landmarks, profound and operating components process professional-pedagogical education, in the course of which teacher aims the student at self, active using the diagnostic methods for study of its personalities, their analysis and interpretation; creates the happy circumstances emotional and larval difficulties, increasing of the self-verification, emotional stability and as a whole abilities to emotional.

Thereby, possible speak that emotional stability is a professional important quality of the bachelor of the professional education since she allows the graduate successfully to realize professional activity as teacher.