Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Isaeva N.M. 1, 2 Savin E.I. 1, 2 Subbotina T.I. 1, 2 Iashin A.A. 1, 2 Hrenov P.A. 1, 2 Hasaia D.A. 1, 2
1 Tula State University
2 Tula Pedagogical University name L.N. Tolstoy

«Golden Section», that is, division of the whole into parts 0,618 and 0,382, associated with the ideal norm, which should aim at providing a functional system homeostasis. An indicator of the steady state of the system over time is also her desire for «Generalized Golden Section» or «nodes» 0,500 0,500; 0,618 0,382; 0,682 0,318; 0,725 0,275; etc. In turn, the tendency of the system to the so-called «attractors repulsive» and «antinodes» 0,570 0,430; 0,654 0,346; 0,705 0,295; 0,741 0,259; 0,767 0,233; ..., indicates the presence of the unstable state of the functional system, as they are the characteristics of chaos.

The article analyzes the system coagulants exposed EHF EMR and magnetic fields of different modes, with the «golden section» and «of generalized golden sections».As indicators of a coagulant, the clotting time of blood and plasma recalcification time. Shown that the presence of «generalized golden sections» in the relationship between clotting time and recalcification time, indicates the desire of coagulants to the sustainable equilibrium in the case of EHF EMR exposure and the magnetic field with shielding schungite and irradiated EHF EMR with increasing exposure time (180 and 270 min).

The purpose of this study is to test with a «golden mean» and «generalized golden section» basic indicators of the coagulant activity of the system, when exposed to EHF EMR and magnetic fields of various regimes.

For experimental studies used Vistar rats of both sexes of the same age. The rats of the first experimental group were exposed to EMR UHF frequency 37 GHz and a power of less than 0,1 mW/cm2 for exposure 30, 90 and 270 min. Second experimental group of rats exposed to a magnetic field frequency of 3, 5 and 8 Hz with an exposure 30, 90 and 270 min. At the same time some of the animals in the experimental groups was screened from the source of EHF EMR and magnetic fields extremadamente low-frequencylayer shungite 5 cm to study the regulation of the activity of blood aggregation used the following parameters: clotting time and recalcification time. Performed comparison of these measures in health and disease, determine the presence or absence of the «golden ratio» and «generalized golden sections» in these parameters in the control and experimental groups.

An analysis of the influence of EHF EMR and magnetic fields on the parameters reflecting the activity of coagulants. The normal clotting time and recalcification time treated as 0,760 and 0,240, that is, do not form a «golden ratio» (0,618 and 0,382). The irradiation of laboratory animals EHF EMR and magnetic fields with schungite without schungite been some changes between these indicators.

All ratios clotting time and recalcification time obtained for the groups exposed EHF EMR and magnetic field with screening and without screening shcungiteschungite differ from the classical «golden section», but some of them are close to the «Generalized Golden Section» or «nodes». Since the value of 0,688 obtained by irradiation with shielding EHF EMR schungite, close to the «node» 0,682, 0,730 and the value obtained by the irradiation of a magnetic field with shielding schungite, close to the «node» 0,725. The proximity to the «Generalized Golden Section» refers to the desire of coagulants to the sustainable equilibrium. In turn, the values obtained in the groups exposed to EHF EMR and magnetic field without shielding schungite (0,702 and 0,739, respectively) are close to the «attractor repulsion» and «antinodes» (0,705 and 0,741), indicating that the unstable state of the system and the deviation from the norm.

The irradiation of a magnetic field frequency of 3, 5 and 8 Hz, only the ratio 0,729, obtained for the group, exposed to a magnetic field with a frequency of 3 Hz, close to the «node» 0,725, which indicates a tendency of the system to a stable state of coagulants. All other values are far from the «generalized golden section», and the value of 0,739 obtained for the group exposed to the magnetic field of 8 Hz, indicates the proximity to the «antinode» 0,741, which characterizes the deviation from the norm and the existence of non-equilibrium state.

Changing attitudes clotting time and recalcification time were observed as a result of exposure to EHF EMR exposure time of 90, 180 and 270 min. This ratio is close to the «Generalized Golden Section» in the two cases. When exposed 180 minutes get 0,688, with an exposure of 270 min – 0,684. These values are close to the «node» 0,682, indicating that a steady state of coagulants. In turn, the exposure value obtained 90 min 0,704, which is close to the «antinode» 0,705 and pointing to the unstable state of the system. Values obtained by irradiation EHF EMR, much closer to the classical «golden section» than the values obtained when the magnetic field exposure.

The irradiation of magnetic field exposure time 90, 180 and 270 min relations clotting time and recalcification time not constitute a «Generalized Golden Section». Consequently, the system of coagulants in this case tends to a stable equilibrium state and is far from the norm. The value obtained for the exposure time 270 min, coincides with the «antinode» 0,741, which indicates the presence of active disease process.

Thus, the presence of «generalized golden sections» in the relationship between the clotting time of blood and recalcification time, points to the tendency of the system coagulants to sustainable equilibrium in the case of EHF EMR exposure and the magnetic field with shielding shungite and irradiated EHF EMR with increasing exposure time (180 and 270 min).

The work was submitted to International Scientific Conference «Innovative medical technologies», Russia (Moscow), November, 20-22, 2012, came to the editorial office on 14.11.2012.