Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Shilova V.S.

The modern society greening and ecologization, the computerization and also its informatization are needed the corresponding corrections introduction and into the career education, the vocational, and the professional trainings process. So, in this case, the socio-ecological courses inclusion into the future specialist and the expert preparation content, having connected with the younger and the rising generations preparation for the optimal relations establishing with the natural environment, is one of these ways.

The «Schoolchildren Socio-Ecological Education» optional course, having developed by us with the information technologies application, is related to a number of such courses. So, its main content has been presented by the five blocks. The course goals and the tasks, the organization peculiarities and the special features are defined in the first - introductory - one. The socio-ecological presentations in the philosophical and the pedagogical heritage of the antiquity peoples, the middle Ages, the new, and the modern times, the ideas on the nature and the society interaction in the Russian thinkers creative work and their activity are considered in the second - the philosophical - historically and the pedagogical historically - block. The third - target essentially - block is discovered the essence and the evaluative nature of the schoolchildren socio-ecological education, having considered at the state, the social, the personality levels, its main goals and the tasks, the functioning principles. The fourth - substantial - block is defined the essence, the criteria, the SSEE content selection sources and principles, its peculiarities and the specific features, the normative predictively realization under the educational Institution and the educational organization conditions has been shown. The fifth - procedural - block is reflected the essence and the peculiarities and the special features of the schoolchildren socio-ecological education, teaching, and the training processes, having shown the methods, the means, and the forms its connection; it is discovered the content basic elements formation technology, having constructed on the basis of the task approach; it is included the control evaluation component, having presented by the defined and the specified methods, means, and the control forms combination (e.g. by the questionnaires, the testing tasks, the questions, the interview questions and the others) the inspections and course content assessments mastered by the students.

So, the electronic version development of the teaching and the training aid on the suggested course has been required its content further selection. That is why, this selection has been carried out, with due regard for the defined principles and the specified criteria, which are conditioned, by the main law of the pedagogical and the teaching activities - obligatory assignment by the younger and the rising generation of the older generations social experience (e.g. V.V. Kraevsky, M.N. Skatkin) [1; 2].

Besides, in the process of the content selection there have been taken into account the following: the general pedagogical requirements (e.g. the contents correspondence of the society educational needs, the fundamentalism, humanitarization, the strict content unity at all the levels of its formation, the substantial and the procedural sides unity); the content selection principles of the general ecological education, having singled out by E.D. Zverev, E.T. Suravegina (e.g. the scientifiс character, the humanization, the predictability, the information level selection, the practical nature - conservative measures and the environmental activities); the specific principles, having formulated by us for the content selection of the studying and the student youth socio-ecological education (e.g. the integration, the development, the disintegration, the integrity, the registration of the geographical and the historical factors, the cultural conditions of the human environment, the axiological one) [2; 3; 4].

Thus, all these principles groups have already been laid the foundation of the specific criteria definition of the content selection, which is being developed by us, the electronic version of the studied course. Among all these, we include the following criteria: the electronic version content correspondence to the course objectives; the students´ age-related, age-specific peculiarities and the individual special features registration; the electronic and the printed versions compliance; the PC students´ proficiency level recording; the time educational material content correspondence, having available to be studied it; the teachers´ computer training recording [4].

In this case, the criteria separation and their definition and the formulation have been needed and one more the significant and the crucial issue´s solution, how to be grouped the electronic version content of the developed course. So, the earlier separated and the singled out blocks content has already been redistributed by the both parts: the invariant (e.g. the basic one) one and the variative (e.g. hyperlink). Thus, the parts correlation, for example only the one block, has been presented as follows (e.g. see the table).

The Invariant Part (basic blocks)

The Variative Part (hyperlinks)



Philosophical - historically and Pedagogical - historically

The philosophers´, the enlighteners´, the teachers´, the psychologists´ and the other scientists´ and the scholars´ names, having reflected in their researches (to one or another extent) some society and man interaction aspects with the nature

Target - essentially






Control - evaluation

The test tasks and the test items for each from the course´s main sections, the questionnaires and the interviews

Similarly, and the other components of the each part are being developed. It should be noted, that the presented electronic version is the working one, it, moreover, is needed the further its improvement and the perfection. So, the last one is one from the perspective and the promising research tasks of the students´ education challenge in the field of the socio-ecological relations, the youth´ and the schoolchildren´ corresponding education, their training and the preparation for the optimal relations establishment with the nature, as in the present, well as in the future.


  1. Slastenin V.A., Isaev E.F., Shiyanov E.N. // Pedagogics. - М., 2002.
  2. The Theoretical Bases of the General Education Content / Under the editorship of the V.V. Kraevsky, E.Ya. Lerner. - М., 1983.
  3. The Schoolchildren´s Ecological Education / Under the editorship of the E.D. Zvereva, E.T. Suravegina. - М., 1983.
  4. Shilova V.S. The Schoolchildren´s Socio-Ecological Education: Monograph. - М.: Belgorod, 1999.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Modern education. Problems and solutions», Thailand (Bangkok - Pattaya), 19-30 December, 2011, came to the editorial office оn 13.12.2011.