Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Ilderbayev O.Z.

Purpose: Is a study of combined influence of gamma-radiation in the remote period in the dose of 2 Gr and chrysotile-asbest dust on activity of enzymes of the purine´s nucleotides metabolism - 5´-nucleotidasae (5´-NT), adenosindesaminasae (ADA), adenilatdesaminasae (AMF-asae) in different organs and tissues in experiment.

Material and methods: For achievement of the present aim we execute experiments on 45 outbreed sexually mature white male rats, which were subdivide on 3 groups: I intact group (n=15), II groups persecute chrysotil-asbestos dust (n=15), III group - combined influence of radiation and asbest dust (n=15). In the II and III groups at animals was simulated the black-lung disease (dust disease) to methods of E.N.Gorodetskaya (1954). The animals of the III d group were irradiated 90 days up to research on the radiotherapeutic installation Teragam 60Co in a dose 2 Gr unitary. We used for the research lymphocytes of peripheral blood and prepared masses from the cells of liver, spleen, thymus and lymphatic nodes of small intestine, adrenal medulla. The results of research were processed by the standard methods of variational statistics with calculation of criteria by t-Student. Estimated the activity of 5´-NT, ADA, AMF-asae.

Results: It is estimated that the activity of 5´-NT and ADA in the spleen in the animals of III group in the remote period reduces to 0,136±0,026 nmol/s mg protein (p≤0,001) and to 1,121±0,071 nmol/s mg protein (p≤0,01) accordingly. The activity of 5´-NT in the lymphatic nodes of small intestine in animals of II and III group was reduced (to 0,036±0,004 and to 0,094±0,007 nmol/s mg protein (p≤0,001)). The activity of AMF in the spleen of animals in III group was increased more than in 1,6 times (p≤0,05). I combined action of radiation and dust in the immune-responsible organs decreasing of 5´-NT activity occurred, which caused accumulation of adenosine with following changes of adaptive mechanisms. There are changes in purine metabolism in the thymus. The activity of 5´-NT of III group animals reduces to 0,102±0,007 nmol/s mg protein, the activity of AMF-asae in the III-d group of animals reduces to 0,310±0,009 nmol/s mg protein (p≤0,05). Results of research showed combined influence of chrysotile dust and ionizing radiation in the remote period causes increasing the activity of 5´-NT, ADA, AMF-asae in the liver. In combine action the activity of 5´-NT, ADA, AMF-asae increases in 1,6; in 2,5 and in 6,0 times (p≤0,01) accordingly. The activity of 5´-NT, AMF-desaminasae in adrenal medulla and lymphocytes of peripheral blood in the animals of III group reliable increased. The activity of ADA did not change. On the base of obtaining results we can say, that adrenal medulla tissues and lymphocytes of blood in combined action of radiation and dust responses considerable intensification of the processes of anabolism and catabolism in the remote period, which marked on the secondary character of changes.

Therefore, the combined action of radiation and asbest dust causes considerable interruption of enzymes of purine metabolism, which characterized the strain of adaptive-compensate mechanisms of an organism on influence of dust-radiactive factor. The relative activation of catabolic processes occurs, that allows to assume opportunity of reparation of metabolic processes of an organism in the remote period at the expense of compensate possibilities of an organism.

The work was submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Diagnostics, therapy, prevention of socially significant diseases rights». Turkey (Antalya), August, 16-23, 2008, came to the editorial office on 08.07.2008.