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European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Kuznetsova A.Ia. 1
1 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
It is argued that the consciousness of the individual is one of the necessary elements of the life of modern society. It is shown that in the process of forming the consciousness of an individual, the picture of the world performs the function of an intellectual methodological tool. The necessity of a methodological transformation of the general scientific picture of the world through the more complete integration of scientific, technical and humanitarian knowledge in it is affirmed. This removes the contradiction between the intellectual, spiritual and material essence of man. The leading role of science in the spiritual development and spiritual enrichment of modern society is confirmed. The idea of ??the unity of the material and spiritual in the nature of man and the role of the picture of the world in the development of modern reality by a modern person at the stage of information development of society are developing. It is shown that in the education of modern man an individual picture of the world is used as an intellectual tool with the goal of forming and maintaining the integrity of consciousness. It is concluded that there are two aspects of the individual picture of the world: the personal, defined by the natural feature of the individual, and professional, formed on the basis and under the influence of professional competencies. It is shown that in the education of modern man, the possession of the scientific picture of the world becomes one of his professional competencies.
formation of an individual’s consciousness
a single scientific picture of the world
humanitarian knowledge
engineering education
education of a modern person
professional competencies of a specialist
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The main directions of modern education are aimed at the formation of a holistic person. In the modern theory of education, two direction are most developed: personality-oriented and competency-based. The personality-oriented direction is focused on the formation of the individual as a member of society, on the comprehensive development of man and, first of all, on the formation of the individual’s worldview. The competence direction develops the basics of specialist training. These directions are interconnected and, at the same time, have important own features. The picture of the world, formed in the consciousness of the individual, is a phenomenon that connects these two directions. Building your own individual picture of the world on the basis of mastering the modern scientific picture of the world is necessary for the personal formation of a modern person. Professional competency-based training of a specialist based on self-reflection also requires enrichment of the individual’s consciousness with world views, which we call “pictures of the world”. For the fullest realization of personal potential, the awareness and use by a modern specialist of his own picture of the world is relevant. When solving creative innovative professional tasks, a modern specialist needs the most complete reflection of his own consciousness.

The problem in the education of modern man is that his scientific professional intellectual competences are separated and even opposed to spiritual personal characteristics. The purpose of our study is to identify the unity of the professional, spiritual and intellectual potential of the individual. The picture of the world is used as an intellectual tool to strengthen the integrity of man.

Literature review. Analysis of publications shows that they continue to study the problem of personality in education, developing the idea of the importance of the integrity of the individual [1]. When developing the content of personality psychology, various aspects of this phenomenon are studied. In this context, studies are deepening to study the role of intelligence in personality development [2]. Research is being conducted with the goal of constructing an “image of the future man” [3]. Such models of a holistic person are necessary to build the image of a future society. The studies share the spiritual aspect of the personality with professional competencies of a person. Moral and aesthetic culture is presented as the most important component of the spiritual aspect of personality [4]. Starting with the works of Maslow A. Kh., humanistic education is opposed to professional education [5]. In publications, the assertion that the industrial information society requires improving the quality of competent professional education [6] strengthens over time. The requirements for a specialist’s informational competencies are growing by the new information society [7]. There is a growing understanding that the development of methodological tools for personality formation is necessary [8]. Analysis of modern research on the problem of personality allows us to argue that the consciousness of the individual is one of the most important elements in the life of modern society.

It is known that the picture of the world is phenomenologically formed in the consciousness of the individual. In modern studies, built on the principles of dialectics, the consciousness of the individual is considered as one of the main elements of society [2]. Previous studies of man and his thinking showed that an important argument in the formation and development of society is the development of a person’s individual ability to intellectual activity [9, 10]. An individual’s worldview, a unified scientific picture of the world, an individual’s consciousness and social consciousness are categories denoting phenomena whose natural source is the individual’s intellect [11]. The study of the personality problem is based on the fundamental connection between the improvement of society, the formation of social consciousness and the intellectual labor of the individual [12]. Modern studies of society, education and social consciousness are based on the idea that the qualitative development of society is accompanied by the formation and improvement of individual human consciousness. The source of psychic natural energy necessary for the spiritual work of society remains the individual, his natural intellect.

The problem and purpose of the study. Further studies of the formation of modern man as an individual and a specialist are faced with the problem of contrasting humanistic education with professional. This contrast is contrary to human integrity. There are no scientific works in the conducted studies, the subject of which was the study of the relationship of the spiritual and intellectual development of man. As a result, the contradictions in understanding the intellectual, spiritual and material essence of man deepen.

The aim of our study is to remain within the framework of the classical methodology of cognition and, based on the natural integrity of man, to show that the informational scientific and technical path of development of man and society corresponds to the natural nature of man. A person on the path of his development masters new intellectual tools. An important new tool for understanding the world for a person is becoming a picture of the world. For modern society, it is important that the picture of the world also becomes the professional competence of a specialist.

We have shown that in the process of forming the consciousness of an individual, the picture of the world performs the function of an intellectual methodological tool. In connection with the formation of an informational scientific and technical society, the relationship between the life of society and the role of the individual’s consciousness and individual intelligence is becoming more complicated. Developing science has established itself not only as the productive power of society, but is becoming a component in the foundation of its life. The scientific and technological effectiveness of modern society means the intellectualization of society. This approach to the content of society requires more attention to the processes of thinking, to the mental abilities of individuals, citizens, members of society. In the education of modern man, it becomes necessary to master the methods, techniques and methods for the development of intelligence [13]. The intellectual activity of the individual is accompanied by the formation of his consciousness. Reflectively, the consciousness of a modern person is perceived by him as an individual picture of the world. For society, the importance of the inner virtual world of man is growing. In the structure of society, the image of the individual’s world is gaining importance. In the process of cognition, a person uses his own picture of the world as a methodological tool for further research of the external world and self-awareness in the world. In science, mastering the individual’s thinking of his worldview reinforces the importance of methodology. The picture of the world is becoming one of the methods aimed at expanding consciousness.

As a result of the analysis of research, we come to the conclusion that in the process of cognition, a person uses his own picture of the world as a methodological tool for further research of the external world, for setting the goal of research, choosing the subject of research, etc. The study of the problem of the picture of the world allows us to note important urgent tasks: the integration of various scientific pictures into one single general scientific picture of the world and the preservation of the integrity of the general scientific picture of the world. These tasks are interconnected: the formation of a single scientific picture of the world is carried out in the process of integrating scientific knowledge. Of particular importance is the unification of individual private scientific into a common scientific picture of the world. The general scientific picture of the world obtained as a result of integration becomes a source of knowledge for creating new individual pictures of the world. All pictures of the world undergo continuous change. The dynamism of the picture of the world complicates their integration. The most important is the unification of scientific knowledge at the level of the methodological foundations of various knowledge systems, provided they are updated [14]. First of all, it is necessary to carry out integration at the level of methodologies, starting with updating the content of the goal and subject of research. The peculiarity of the modern development of society is that in the spiritual development and spiritual enrichment of society, the leading role belongs to science. Approaching the truth of knowledge is the constant discovery and use by society of all new knowledge. New knowledge directs a person and society to the goal of their development. Cognitive activity requires constant refinement of research results. In the scientific achievements of the XIX – XX centuries. natural science has risen above other sciences. By studying nature, naturalists used the platform of materialism. Using the classical model of cognition, the researcher determined for himself the role of an observer in an experiment with nature. Classical science focuses on the material world external to the human researcher. The first half of the 20th century was marked by the further acquisition of new natural science knowledge as a result of the successful formation of various branches of non-classical science: atomic physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, and many others. As a result, tools of both classical and non-classical methodologies in the field of natural science were developed. The dialectic of methodology involves the further development of the content of the subject of knowledge. The need for a methodological transformation of the overall scientific picture is recognized in connection with the redistribution of the attention of science to the study of man. The greatest methodological changes in the modern picture of the world are associated with the unification in it of knowledge about inanimate nature and technology and humanitarian knowledge about a person. Such a union will make it necessary to deviate from the principles of classical science. The fact that a person becomes an object of study does not fit into the classical picture of the world. In the new general scientific picture of the world, man is presented as an object, remaining the subject of research. Such changes in the picture of the world are aimed at eliminating the contradictions between the intellectual, spiritual and material essence of man.

Research results and discussion

It is known that in recent centuries the attention of researchers to the cognitive activity of man has become actualized. Society, having embarked on the path of scientific and technological development, surrounded itself with the results of “objectified knowledge” – an artificial environment. In the XX century. with the deepening of the process of cognition in the structure of matter and the simultaneous expansion of the boundaries of cognition, the need for the inclusion of the study of man himself became apparent. The complexity of human education in a new society is the violation of its natural integrity as a result of isolation from the external environment. A break with the material natural environment weakens the spiritual ties of man with nature. We have shown that cognitive activity is aimed at preserving the natural integrity of man. The dialectical unity of man, society and nature is based on the cognitive functions of man. The fulfillment of a person’s natural spiritual need for knowledge becomes a fact of combining an intellectual spiritual person with the material world. This emphasizes the productivity of the scientific method in studying the spiritual nature of man and confirms the importance of the path of knowledge chosen by modern society. We conclude that it is important to preserve the dialectical platform in the study of the unity of man, society and their thinking. In this unity, the spiritual world of man as a highly organized structure of material reality manifests itself as a natural connecting element. The indicated unity gives rise to new phenomena. In the process of intellectual activity, both human and society are developing. As a result of such activities, society receives its life resource – new scientific knowledge. The dialectic of the life of society in nature is that the process of cognition transforms both society and nature.

The unity of the spiritual and intellectual life of modern man is especially pronounced in the development of technology. Cognitive activity of a person along the path of mastering a new natural-science knowledge has led to the creation and development of engineering and technology. Modern scientific and technical information civilization is realized as the historical result of such a development of mankind in the process of cognition. Society on the way to the development of scientific and technological civilization is experiencing maximum load. The need for over-stressed technologicalization of modern society, due to the intellectual development of society, is subjected to reflection and criticism. The crisis state of development gives rise to the philosophical problem of the feasibility of establishing a technological lifestyle. The correlation of the goals of the life of nature, society and man, the justification of the technological path of civilization, over time began to raise more and more questions. At the same time, the unity of nature, man and technology is confirmed by the fact that, in the works of technology, hidden details of human nature are revealed, that the principles of technology only emphasize important features of human nature. Such unity reveals and strengthens the universal nature reflected in technology. It becomes a fact that modern scientific and technological civilization develops as a result of human cognitive activity, while remaining a part of nature. Its presence and existence does not contradict the laws of nature. When developing technological projects, a person studies himself and other natural patterns through his natural intelligence, following the laws of nature. We have shown that the technological intellectual-reflective path of development of man and society is not antagonistic for them, since the technologization of society occurs within a single closed natural space and is ensured by the unity of the development of the individual and the development of society as a whole [15].

Further in our research, proceeding from the material and spiritual unity in the nature of man and society, we are based on the need to achieve the integrity of consciousness. Dialectics as a science of the unified development of nature allows us to study human education, including human consciousness, as the natural development of a part of nature. Unified nature includes human life as a natural phenomenon. Human life, education and development obey the most general laws of nature. The efforts of scientists have always been directed towards the search for such unified universal laws that are briefly summarized into one general law. In turn, in the theory of education, the principle of the greatest conformity to nature, natural free education, has historically developed. The principle of openness to nature allows us to avoid training a person in a closed artificial environment that excludes natural contact with nature. Violation of the natural process of human development leads to the fact that the main goals of education are not achieved, and the result obtained in an artificial environment is a dead end branch, devoid of further development. As a result of artificial education, a person becomes a “one-time” element that is not included in the dialectic of development. Free education presupposes the creation of conditions for realizing the natural possibilities of man and the new possibilities of modern society. Education projects for open nature involve the creation of such education systems in which the individual is most fully included in the life of nature. The education system will contain all the elements of reality, opening up the possibility of interaction with nature, society, culture and the state. The openness of the education system to nature and society allows us to form a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality. The presence of such a system is necessary to achieve integrity in the formation of the individual’s consciousness. A feature of the modern variant of upbringing is the ability to tune the student in reflection, self-knowledge, and obtaining from him the most reliable knowledge about the nature of the “subject” of knowledge. In the process of the open nature of education, the closest approach of cognitive and educational activity occurs. A person possessing a holistic consciousness most accurately reflects the idea of the unity of the material and spiritual in nature. This is a modern, self-observing, reflective person. When studying himself, his own consciousness, a person uses the knowledge reflected in him from physics, astronomy, the humanities and all other sciences, presented in consciousness as his own picture of the world. Turning to reality, a person armed with such a picture of the world uses it as a tool for further studying the world and himself.


Given the integrity of the individual’s worldview and the fact that it is ensured by the integrity of his consciousness and the intellectual nature of consciousness, we studied two sides of the individual worldview: the personal one, determined by the individual natural characteristics of the person, and the professional one, formed on the basis and taking into account the requirements of professional competence. Regarding the person himself, it is known that he is born with intellectual inclinations. In the process of education, the individual develops intellectual abilities, accumulating intellectual thinking tools. In our study, we pose the problem of the development of modern man in the process of formation of such an effective methodological tool as an individual picture of the world. “Maturing”, the readiness of such a method of personal and professional growth is due to methodological changes in the general scientific picture of the world. Since the second half of the XX century. the content of scientific knowledge in the general scientific picture of the world actively includes knowledge about a person, a person’s education, and personality formation. Such a picture of the world, supplemented by the results of self-knowledge, the idea of self-actualization, in the intellectual activity of modern man is of particular importance. In the general case, a person uses intelligence to solve individual problems while realizing life goals, solving problems, and building projects to achieve them. At first, a person carries out all the elements of the projected activity in a virtual environment created in the consciousness of the individual and assembled into a single picture of an imaginary reality. Correspondence of the individual picture of reality itself depends on the degree of completeness and reliability of the knowledge that the individual uses, as well as on the ability of the individual to recognize his own picture of the world and adjust it in accordance with the renewed stream of knowledge. The modern stage of the history of civilization is characterized by the intellectualization of society and the picture of the world as an intellectual resource acquires fundamental importance. Equipped with intellectual-reflective methods of “self-knowledge”, “self-actualization”, etc., a person can actively master the path of personal “self-development”, design and independently carry out education along an “individual” development path. The reflection of the picture of the world in consciousness allows him to determine his own position in the real world, to find a conscious personal approach to the choice and achievement of vital goals.

As a result, we come to the conclusion that in the education of modern man, the possession of the scientific picture of the world becomes one of his professional competencies. A specialist who owns a picture of the world receives a reflective intellectual tool for understanding his professional qualities and the ways of their development. The ability to consciously use one’s own picture of the world expands the possibilities of professional activity. By consciously owning a picture of the world, a person gets more opportunities to build a project for his upcoming activities, to realize self-development, to build an individual educational path that is most consistent with his personality characteristics. Influence on the individual’s professional capabilities makes the picture of the world one of the important professional competencies.

Библиографическая ссылка

Kuznetsova A.Ia. THE ROLE OF THE PICTURE OF THE WORLD IN THE PERSONAL AND COMPETENCY TRAINING OF A SPECIALIST // European Journal of Natural History. – 2020. – № 2. – С. 10-14;
URL: https://world-science.ru/ru/article/view?id=34055 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024).

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