Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Schuh T., Cherny S.A.
The article discusses the notion of a virtual personality, touches upon the development and essentials of a virtual existence of a person. The notion of a virtual character is analyzed from the epistemic point of view.

Virtual reality is a multidimensional factorial structure, which influences a real personality in a way that leads to its considerable transformations. Reconstructing the social transformations of a personality, we should address such notions as «virtual personality» and «virtual character». Definition of the virtual personality is based on the interpretation of the «personality in personality», which forms under the influence of the virtual reality, and provides effective interaction and psychological comfort to a person acting in the virtual world. The unity of the virtual and real personality in social and virtual worlds leads to the so called bilateral personality virtualization, based on the interaction of two personality components resulting in existence of the virtual personality.

As a derivate of the virtual reality, and a product of technical embodiment of information system development and human conscious, the virtual personality, though having certain characteristics of a subject (for example, relatively autonomous actions in the virtual world), remains symbolic and immaterial, non-trivial, with multidimensional consequences, at the same time, preserving its nominal meaning. These characteristics determine the virtual personality as an object in relation to the real personality. Having influential properties of an objective subject of activities and relations, the virtual personality influences the mind of a real subject massively, which often leads to personality deformations.

Speaking about the virtual personality, one should not forget that its virtual existence is based on the creation of a virtual character. Term «character» is being used to describe the result of subject´s cognitive activity. By using the term one instinctively means the content of an object reflected by the character. From the epistemic point of view, the objective content of character could be described with the help of the following characteristics: structural, quantitative, qualitative, axiological, as well as by analyzing the structural and semantic relation between the character and the original.

The structural evaluation is based on the method regarding every study object as a whole system, consisting of interdependent components, which interact with each other and the environment, are integral, have an well organized stable structure, and exist autonomously in the environment. Scientific understanding of such system requires to learn the variety of its links and structures.

The quantitative characteristics allow to explain the properties and structure of the objects being perceived, using the data about the represented objects. Data necessary for such analyses are obtained in an empiric way, by means of direct and indirect measurements and estimation of intensity of the mentioned properties and existing interactions.

In the qualitative aspect, the character is determined by heterogeneity and insufficiency of the representation at the level of integral images of subjective perception, sensual and theoretical cognition of the variety in the Universe.

The axiological evaluation of character is possible through determination of the subjective value of the character for the person. As a product of mental activity and focus, the character is related to some of person´s needs and thus gains for him a certain importance.

Analysis of the structural relation between the original and the character reveals the correspondence and similarity of the represented character and original, i.e. transition from character to original. While comparing the structure of the character with this of the original one discovers the nature of their interdependence. This is what the concept of the epistemic image means.

The semantic aspect: the semantic function of virtual character is an ability of reverse projection of the image structure on the original. It distinguishes two modifications of the studied character: mental and sensual. The sensual image is based on the objectivity of our senses. It means that subject possesses not only the states of his sense organs, but also the reflected properties of things, which he then compares.

The mental image has a feature similar to the objectivity of the sensual image - its meaning and importance. Empirically and theoretically, the definition of character´s meaning and importance can be interpreted as follows:

1. Compare the structure embodied in the character or in a notion with the types of empiric objects.

2. Compare the structure of a system content or an abstract notion with another, better studied class of systems or notions.

The above studied relations between the notions of virtual personality and virtual character, as well as image and character, let go deep into the matter and understand the internal mechanisms of formation and existence of the virtual personality.


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